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Thread: Bevel setter

  1. #11
    Senior Member Blistersteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wxman2000 View Post
    I've heard great things about those Cholera stones... but I never realized they were that pricey until I just looked them up. Looks like the Naniwa or the King ones are closer to what I was looking to spend on one. Wish I had a woodcraft nearby to see if they had them, but will probably need to order online instead.
    try amazon if you can, i see them often on there.

  2. #12
      Lynn's Avatar
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    I am a big fan of the Chosera 1K.

    Not so much the King stones. Any of them and I have tested almost all of them on a lot of razors.........The feel of the 1K is not for me and consistency of the rest is not there for me either.

    I think when we tested all the Bevel Setters a while back I liked the Arashiyama 1K pretty well also.

    Have fun.
    Last edited by Lynn; 11-10-2014 at 03:44 PM.

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wxman2000 View Post
    I've heard great things about those Cholera stones... but I never realized they were that pricey until I just looked them up. Looks like the Naniwa or the King ones are closer to what I was looking to spend on one. Wish I had a woodcraft nearby to see if they had them, but will probably need to order online instead.
    That is the reason I mentioned both the Naniwa Super stone 1K and the Naniwa Chosera 1K to give you a bit of a choice price wise. I use the Naniwa SS 1K and it does the job well for me.

    I would do some research on the net to see comparisons/reviews between the 2. I did and still can't make my mind up if I will go with the Chosera when I replace my SS 1K. Especially since I have no great complaints about the SS 1K.

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  4. #14
    Senior Member Druid's Avatar
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    I've been pretty happy with the Chosera 1K.

    But, I have not tried them all ..

  5. #15
    Senior Member Proinsias's Avatar
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    I've been really enjoying my Shapton Pro 1.5K but I can only compare it to the King 1K.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Wxman2000's Avatar
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    Lots to think about then...i see reading lots, of reviews in my future. Thanks for the help all, good to get some recommendations!
    Classic, traditional Barber and owner at Barber's Notch in Brigham City, Utah.

  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Really all 1K’s will do the same thing, even a diamond plate. What is different is how it feels on the razor. Kings and Nortons feel rough, gritty to me, Super Stones feel muddy, Diamond plates feel hard with very little feed-back, all strokes feel the same.

    The Chosera feels smooth, but not muddy and smooths out more as the bevel flattens, near a full bevel set.
    But they all do the same thing and produce the same results.

    If money is an issue, buy a King, Norton or a no name Diamond plate. For a bit more buy the Chosera, it is a lifetime purchase for most.

    There are 2 stones I always recommend, a Chosera 1K and a 12k Super Stone, the rest do not matter. Those two stones are the Gold Standard, a bevel setter, for foundation and no brainer finisher.

    As Geezer said recently in another thread, “No-one ever sells their Chosera 1K.”
    Atchbo and Wxman2000 like this.

  8. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    You can also keep your eye out on the Ebay for one of these, they are great bevel setters & cut fast. I switch between a Norton 1k & this vintage. If I have a big Sheffield, I go with the Carborundum # 118.
    The bay is full of the 4", but the 8" show up now & then.

    Name:  Carborundum # 118 - 8 inch Razor Hone # 3 Fine Grit (4).jpg
Views: 202
Size:  30.7 KB

    Name:  Carborundum # 118 - 8 inch Razor Hone # 3 Fine Grit (8).jpg
Views: 234
Size:  31.8 KB

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Hirlau For This Useful Post:

    Steel (11-11-2014)

  10. #19
    Senior Member Proinsias's Avatar
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    Hirlau: do you use that with water or oil or.....?

  11. #20
    Senior Member Wolfpack34's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    You can also keep your eye out on the Ebay for one of these, they are great bevel setters & cut fast. I switch between a Norton 1k & this vintage. If I have a big Sheffield, I go with the Carborundum # 118.
    The bay is full of the 4", but the 8" show up now & then.
    +1...I agree with Hirlau 100%. The low100 series Carborundum Razor Hones ( 101, 101a, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106 and the 118) are Vastly underrated and IMO under-priced in terms of their effectiveness. Been using them for years to set a bevel profile quickly and then I usually smooth the bevel out for a few strokes on the 'muddy' 1K Super Stone. They really make fast work of the job.
    Euclid440 and Steel like this.
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