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Thread: Is This Over Honing

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Whatever works for you?

    Obviously you have calibrated you TNT.

    Rock on.

  2. #22
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    I didn't think my thumbnail could draw such a series of responses. Truth be told, and let me thank you for granting me years of experience, I've only been using a straight since July 2013 and honing/refreshing my edges since September 2014.
    My uncle, who is a barber and trained by an old timey barber, uses the TNT to gauge the edge of a razor. The first time I gave him a razor to inspect he licked his thumbnail and did a TNT. His quickly pronounced that the edge was not shave ready. Well, his exact word were, "It ain't right." He touched up the razor on a barber's hone and I can say that it did shave better. I use a TNT now, but still like to use 60x loupe. I guess I like to go by subjective and objective tests. Though you could argue that using a loupe is really not objective either, since every person looking at the edge under magnification might view it differently.
    JeffR, Geezer and Euclid440 like this.
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  3. #23
    Senior Member Slurryer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splashone View Post
    So you never looked at the blade prior to the first stropping? If not, you have no baseline to form any judgement as to the cause.
    I did have a look at this edge after it was honed about a month ago. It's only now that I have done a refresh that I noticed the tiny chips. But admittedly I don't recall what the edge looked like a month ago so...

  4. #24
    Senior Member Slurryer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    I didn't think my thumbnail could draw such a series of responses. Truth be told, and let me thank you for granting me years of experience, I've only been using a straight since July 2013 and honing/refreshing my edges since September 2014. I have a poor scientific background and an over abundance in the creative areas. I came to my dry thumbnail test because I forgot about reading it was supposed to be a wet thumbnail. I just used empirical observation based on the way it felt, then shaved and adjusted till I could say, to myself, that feels like it will shave the way it should. Believe me, I went back to the stones many, many times on a couple of razors till my memory was educated enough to know what I was feeling on my vaunted thumbnail.
    A can appreciate that. We both have a preference, and a level to what we want to know about the details. I want as much knowledge about the details as I can get. Probably more out of curiosity and a desire to be efficient at what I do, but the details are one of the reasons why SR's are very appealing to me. You are not as caught up on the details. I want to know what a good shave looks like on my face and on my razor. You're just as content to know the condition of the razor mostly by the quality of the shave. The point I was trying to make is that my desire for details is not a result of over worrying, but from curiosity and efficiency. Bravo to us both! Viva le Rezor.

  5. #25
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Nothing wrong with magnification, just don’t get caught up in the grit race.

    Grit size does not equal great shave. Sharp is easy, it is sharp and comfortable that makes a great shave and that, might be different for each of us.

    For example at 400 X a Coticule edge looks terrible, but done by the right hands shaves wonderful.

    Don’t forget to look straight down at the edge, chips and non-meeting bevels will jump out at you.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Euclid440 For This Useful Post:

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  7. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    I was just thinking that with all the modern technology now available to us that our forefathers didn't have I sometimes feel we have created a world of overworry exemplified by concern over what might be micro chips on an razor's edge. Magnify anything and even the straightest of lines and smoothest of surfaces start looking like the craters of the moon. I feel we worry too much about what didn't seem to concern our parent's and their parent's. I don't recall reading anything about old time shavers getting very concerned about an edge's condition other than saying, simply, if it isn't shaving, hone or refresh it.

    I'm no expert, by a long, long, country mile when it comes to honing and refreshing an edge. I don't find the HHT or similar to be indicative of anything other than it cuts, or doesn't cut hair. Magnifications upward of 100 that a few feel is necessary for edge achievement leave me concerned for their mental health. I follow a basic honing pattern, judge at the end of the routine via a, again different that norm, dry thumbnail test. If I'm satisfied by what I've come to identify as a decent edge I go to crox, linen leather and then shave as the final test. If the thumbnail doesn't feel right I'll go back to the stones and repeat until it does. Primitive, I'm sure, in the eyes of many, but it sure works for me and my face.
    Can't argue with your experienced way of prepping a straight razor. Looks like you learned what works and what doesn't. I need to know what's happening down at the edge. I guess its the scientist in me that wants to know why your regimen works so well.
    Last edited by DoctorSaul; 01-02-2015 at 03:05 AM. Reason: spell error

  8. #27
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Just make sure he or she is straight shaver.
    Quote Originally Posted by Geezer View Post
    As opposed to??
    Ambidextrous ? ..........
    JeffR, Geezer, gooser and 2 others like this.
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