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Thread: dragons tongue ?'s

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    Get it before someone else does,,,,
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    So I can vouch for that too
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  2. #22
    Senior Member Blistersteel's Avatar
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    For what it's worth,I have a few taidea stones, I haven't had any joy with them,mine loose grit constantly and will chip an edge constantly .obviously this is only my personal experience .ymmv.
    (Edit) if you've tamed a taidea pm me what you did)

  3. #23
    Senior Member admvalentine's Avatar
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    oh such a Name:  images (1).jpg
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Size:  8.5 KBI am sticking to lapping film for a while....

  4. #24
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grazor View Post
    I would get a Norton 4000/8000 if your budget allows.
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  5. #25
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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  6. #26
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    I am now some 3.5 years into honing straight razors. When I started, I listened to the advice given here on SRP and this saved me much, much misery !!

    The advice given by the other posters is very, very sound - they have great experience for you to draw on, and sage advice - please take their posts on board - get 1 1k (say King or Naniwa) for bevel setting and a Norton 4/8 k or Naniwa 3/8 k combo for honing. You will not regret getting these hones.

    Once you get shave-able edges off the 8k hones, then think about a finisher.

    Honing razors takes a fair while to get right, so it makes sense to get another razor to practise on while you are learning.

    Have fun

    Best regards


  7. #27
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by admvalentine View Post
    Taidea 3000 8000 Grit Knife Sharpener Corundum Whetstone Sharpening Stone T0914W | eBay

    is this any better, its at verry top of price range that im going to buy a pet rock for......
    This was the first stone I brought when I was still learning and not to cluey. I was setting bevels on the fine side if a sic carbide stone then moving to this and then a barbers hone. It will work but I wouldn't rate the edges I got at 8k and it is soft and muddy to use. A Norton or naniwa would be much better last longer and perform better. I did set a bevel using this stone one and it took forever and made a heap of slurry mess. If you do a search for taidea you will pull up a couple threads.
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  8. #28
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    Stay with film if budget is an issue. The synthetics you've been looking at are IIRC softer knife hones. While they may work, the softer synthetics may not be as good for razors as other harder hones as others have posted. A lot of slurry tends to dull edges. I've always been leery that a low quality hone would also have coarser particles in it, a never mind for knives but maybe not for razors. I don't know this BTW.

    Cheers, Steve

  9. #29
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    You've gotten lots of comments, BUT, if you type Dragon's Tongue into the site's Google Custom Search box at the top right, you find dozens of pages of past discussions for your continuing education.
    Quote Originally Posted by admvalentine View Post
    I am thinking this will be my first hone because of the price and it comes pre lapped and ive herd good things about it. My question about it is its a natural slate stone. And it comes with a slurry stone that suposably makes it cut like an 8000 andthe stone itself is 10000. can i make a thick slurry like on the coticule one stone honing video and cut fast and thin the slurry with water untill its just stone and water to lets say bring an thriftstore find back to life. or do i need to purchace different grades of j nats to use on this stone to go from bevel to 10000 . thanks i use lapping film and have been thinking about starting to use a hone but im on a tight budget.....
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    Hirlau (02-18-2015)

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