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Thread: Large Theft of Coticules from Factory

  1. #31
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I guess they got the idea that it was the guy that visited them that did it for some reason or other, not that they actually saw him commit the crime.

    Who in their right mind would come back, alone, on foot to steal a load of rock? He would have a vehicle and probably an accomplice or two.

    The cash is cash, some people steal just for that. But the stones? Anything like that would take a huge dip in price and could not really be advertised - unless they were stolen 'to order' - you get a lot of that. Find individuals who want them cut-price, even dealers, and I guess you get rid of them quickly and with a pre-negotiated price.

    I am small-scale in business terms, but even if a person broke into my place and took just one thing I would be so offended that I would track him down.

    Like Bill. I hate thieves - really, truly hate the sons of bitches. I would like stoning brought back - I'd stone the thieving pr@t with the coticules he stole, and bring a few mystery hones of my own to give him a good battering.

    But that's just me - too even-handed and forgiving, some say.....

    lz6, Jeltz, Hirlau and 8 others like this.

  2. #32
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Cant read anywhere that the person they mentioned came back by foot neither that he was alone....probably he was only the guy checking the situation and they were several people and as mentioned they might have used a car....

    Probably the guy they mentioned had a unsual behavior or did looked around like other people or customers dont do....

  3. #33
    Senior Member UKRob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeltz View Post
    They took cash too, profit, maybe wages, maybe money to pay suppliers etc. Whether there is more in the ground or not the time taken to produce that stock can not the replaced and it can be damaging for a business to lose cash flow. Its not just that but this is their business, their life and someone had violated it, damaged their property getting in to help themselves to stones and cash.

    Everyone handles things differently but we'll make a note that if you get burgled it'll beOK to have a laugh about it.
    I don't understand how a jocular reference to Inspector Poirot has been taken so far out of context. They are a commercial business that have suffered a break in - something that happens millions of times every day.

    Have you completely lost your sense of humour? I certainly have lost my temper with your stupid and infantile response. For your information, we have been burgled - it involved physical threats to my wife and was no laughing matter. However, I rationalised that it was just something that is likely to happen - and that I was no different to any of the millions of others who suffer the same thing.

    Let me just say, that i hope the thief is caught - I wish the owners of the mine good fortune in future.
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  4. #34
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil Miller View Post
    . I would like stoning brought back - I'd stone the thieving pr@t with the coticules he stole, and bring a few mystery hones of my own to give him a good battering.

    Neil,,, I just can't agree with you on stoning them with the coticules,,, I would use PHIG's they are heavier & the Chinese would probably give us a deal on a lot of them , for the publicity alone,,,

  5. #35
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    Neil,,, I just can't agree with you on stoning them with the coticules,,, I would use PHIG's they are heavier & the Chinese would probably give us a deal on a lot of them , for the publicity alone,,,
    We need, as DaveW points out in another thread, hones/stones with a greater specific density. So maybe Arkansas ........ hard, not soft .........
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  6. #36
    Wid is offline
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    Read this on FB. Just don't understand why folks can't leave other folks and there stuff alone. It's a dog gone shame. Lets hope they get it all back.

  7. #37
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    if someone put the thief up to it then they are no better then the thief !!
    hell I feel bad when I get a steal of a price at a antique store ! and I know if I was approached by a person with a trunk full of coticules I would be very suspect and ask a few questions , on a bright note least it wasn't more or coticules from the rare specimens ( that I know of) but that can also be bad as they would have been photographed ..

    still just one of the last places I would think of being robbed , but hopefully they get some more security levels !!

    shoot I will work for coticules if they need a security guard !
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  8. #38
    32t is offline
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    Criminals Do not think in the way that the "average" person does. They have no conscience.

    Why rob/rape a 26 year old when they can fight back? When an 86 year old will do?
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  10. #39
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    I was thinking that it is not possible to be roobed i Belgium. They will catch it sooner or later.Sorry about the holle situation.
    If they didnt cach them the1 week we all have to look alround for a questionable coties.
    I think that he will cutt them to sell them ,or truing to sell the big stones ,uncut is the best thing .........for Mr Cellis/very patient and good man/
    The sooner and faster police work ,its better .Hope everything goes good for Ardenes coticule.When they start producing and working again ,it is good that we all purchase stones ,to help cover the lost . I intend to get big size BBW/i whant a red kind of the stone,Vosgienne alike/ and small harg finisher, coti bout.
    Last edited by RusenBG; 02-22-2015 at 01:08 PM.

  11. #40
    Senior Member Badgister's Avatar
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    They are still producing. I just recently ordered a second coticule from them when I heard the bad news.
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