I guess they got the idea that it was the guy that visited them that did it for some reason or other, not that they actually saw him commit the crime.

Who in their right mind would come back, alone, on foot to steal a load of rock? He would have a vehicle and probably an accomplice or two.

The cash is cash, some people steal just for that. But the stones? Anything like that would take a huge dip in price and could not really be advertised - unless they were stolen 'to order' - you get a lot of that. Find individuals who want them cut-price, even dealers, and I guess you get rid of them quickly and with a pre-negotiated price.

I am small-scale in business terms, but even if a person broke into my place and took just one thing I would be so offended that I would track him down.

Like Bill. I hate thieves - really, truly hate the sons of bitches. I would like stoning brought back - I'd stone the thieving pr@t with the coticules he stole, and bring a few mystery hones of my own to give him a good battering.

But that's just me - too even-handed and forgiving, some say.....
