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Thread: Guanxi hone problems

  1. #41
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Ah the day that "PHIG" came to be.

    Yes, it's from the People's Republic of China. But it also really is a hone of the people. I cannot think of another hone that fits it's place in the progression that costs anywhere near the same new.

    As for the IG, well, that was in reference to the fact that it got called a 12k and all the "fuss" that caused.

    Honestly, I'm amazed that PHIG caught on and is still used. I think that started in 2009?

  2. #42
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I recall getting one from woodcraft to try because I asked on a public forum (they sent it to me gratis), and I couldn't tell what it was. Slow if not scurried and not very fine cutting with a fresh slurry. Indeterminate grit is a great way to describe it and slowness is no problem with a razor. Wasn't until later that I got into shaving and realized how excellent it is.

  3. #43
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    The stone is slate has a density higher than German slate (Thuringian Stones) but it is not as hard as Translucent Arkansas which is a solid rock not slate.

    I haven't bother to buy a Cnat, because I thought they are here for their price only and didn't imagine that they are any good at all, in fact the one that I owe is been given to me as a gift when I bought a Thuringian Hone from Matthew of Griffith Shaving Goods - The Finest in Luxury Wet Shaving Gear (great guy)

    The stone was phenomenal it is an absolute Escher quality, the edge out of it is at the same level of my fine BG Escher, an outstanding hone even in contrast it is somewhat similar to the BG Escher, I know this does not means anything since the are from different continents....

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    for me the only difference between my Cnat and Escher is 35 more passes ( I uses 70 pass with Cnat).

    After reading that some guys were unlucky with their Cnats, I think that I'm very luck to have the perfect hone.

    For the gold spots i don't think they effect the honing as i have dark blue Escher with 3 gold spots and its just as great as any Escher.


  4. #44
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by holli4pirating View Post
    Ah the day that "PHIG" came to be.

    Yes, it's from the People's Republic of China. But it also really is a hone of the people. I cannot think of another hone that fits it's place in the progression that costs anywhere near the same new.

    As for the IG, well, that was in reference to the fact that it got called a 12k and all the "fuss" that caused.

    Honestly, I'm amazed that PHIG caught on and is still used. I think that started in 2009?
    HERE is where it began.

    I complained, Slartibartfast came up with People's Hone, and I think Holli came up with the rest.
    bluesman7 likes this.

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  6. #45
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    I've bought this kind of CNAT, removed the saw marks with the Naniwa flattening stone and SiC, then flattenend with W&Dpaper 280 then smoothered with dressing stone by Naniwa.
    Now it's flat and smooth, tested on my Dovo100 and it has improved the edge.
    I've tried to make slurry with the same lapping stone CNAT but it's practically impossible, is it correct?
    Do I use finer W&D to smooth out further?
    watching it by microscope it seems there is a lot of "gold" inclusion, very very fine; does anybody watch the surface with microscope? how does it look?
    Thanks you

  7. #46
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AljuwaiedAK View Post
    The stone is slate has a density higher than German slate (Thuringian Stones) but it is not as hard as Translucent Arkansas which is a solid rock not slate.

    I haven't bother to buy a Cnat, because I thought they are here for their price only and didn't imagine that they are any good at all, in fact the one that I owe is been given to me as a gift when I bought a Thuringian Hone from Matthew of Griffith Shaving Goods - The Finest in Luxury Wet Shaving Gear (great guy)

    The stone was phenomenal it is an absolute Escher quality, the edge out of it is at the same level of my fine BG Escher, an outstanding hone even in contrast it is somewhat similar to the BG Escher, I know this does not means anything since the are from different continents....

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    for me the only difference between my Cnat and Escher is 35 more passes ( I uses 70 pass with Cnat).

    After reading that some guys were unlucky with their Cnats, I think that I'm very luck to have the perfect hone.

    For the gold spots i don't think they effect the honing as i have dark blue Escher with 3 gold spots and its just as great as any Escher.

    Yes +1. I have found that the Escher is the only stone that compares to my guangxi, phig, or whatever you want to call it. I have not compared to a fine expensive natural Japanese stone but I'm sure I will someday.

    +1 to what utopian said about the bevel with/without slurry. With slurry it is indeed a cloudy bevel and without it is a mirror finish. I use a slurry and dilute to plain water and after stropping it passes a HHT with flying colors or for you shave test people it gives a perfect BBS In 3 passes with absolutely no irritation. I can't think of nor have I heard of a better result off any other stone. Equal to yes but not better than.
    Last edited by Steel; 03-24-2015 at 12:11 PM.
    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

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