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Thread: Norton 4000/8000

  1. #11
    Senior Member Wolfpack34's Avatar
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    +1 to what Marty says about the Carborundum Hone...especially the low numbered ones from 101-106. I prefer the #102. It's harder than any base stone you can name. I use it as a slurry stone (and lapping stone) for Eschers, Coticules, JNATs etc. It will even slurry a very hard LI or CF. I also use it to initially set a bevel profile on every razor I hone. It is very versatile and very inexpensive. I highly recommend them to everyone I talk to about honing...
    Lupus Cohors - Appellant Mors !

  2. #12
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Whatever you do, with the 4/8 Norton, you have begun with the best tool for razors since sliced bread.
    To my knowledge, a new 325 is too rough to maintain it, OR, it should have a lot of wear to maintain hones, IMO. I use a VERY worn one. A 600 DMT would be perfect as-new. JMHO
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  3. #13
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    Not to hijack your thread... But i too have a 4000/8000 stone. I just received a new Norton flattening stone as i was under the impression that it would get my 4k/8k ready to hone. However, all it seems to have done is scratch up the side i ised it on. I stopped before it got worse, but now I'm not sure what to do. Anyone have further insights?

  4. #14
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    I watched Lynn Abrams videos about that stone. He says it's really important to thoroughly soak the norton stone. I soaked mine and lapped it with the dmt 325 and it came out nice. Not a whole lot more I can tell you. But look up his YouTube video on it

  5. #15
    Senior Member cubancigar2000's Avatar
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    Soak the stone before each use until the bubbles quit. As far as lapping with a DMT - I used to do that but it is much easier to use 320 wet or dry sandpaper with something flat and water. I use the 320 wrapped around my DMT because it is worn out and I see no need for a new one. On a side note - I now use a naniwa 8K snow White stone and like it a lot better than the 4k,8k Norton
    One tired old Marine- semper fi, god bless all vets

  6. #16
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    God help me as after about 2 years of straight shaving I joined the club of merry honing men. DmT 325, plus 4/8k norton and naniwa 12k. Also picked up the modular strop with an extra .25 micron diamond spray.

    So, I soak the norton and lightly score the DMT prior to lapping? Here's the other question, I'm going to start with an old eBay I bought awhile ago before touching up my daily razors. Ultimately, I want to fully restore razors (I know I'll need to do much more than learn to hone for this but it seems like the best place to start).

    Will I need anything else to set a bevel and progress to a super fine/sharp hair popping edge? I've read some guys start with a 1k for bevel setting but reviews seemed very mixed. What's your experience and any other advice for an aspiring honemeister?

  7. #17
    Senior Member Michael70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dfiorilli View Post
    God help me as after about 2 years of straight shaving I joined the club of merry honing men. DmT 325, plus 4/8k norton and naniwa 12k. Also picked up the modular strop with an extra .25 micron diamond spray.

    So, I soak the norton and lightly score the DMT prior to lapping? Here's the other question, I'm going to start with an old eBay I bought awhile ago before touching up my daily razors. Ultimately, I want to fully restore razors (I know I'll need to do much more than learn to hone for this but it seems like the best place to start).

    Will I need anything else to set a bevel and progress to a super fine/sharp hair popping edge? I've read some guys start with a 1k for bevel setting but reviews seemed very mixed. What's your experience and any other advice for an aspiring honemeister?
    I am fairly new to honing myself and have everything you have to include a Norton 1K stone to set bevels. From all the great honers I have talked to all use a 1K to set bevels.
    German blade snob!

  8. #18
    Senior Member Michael70's Avatar
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    You also may want to get a dedicated leather strop or paddle to apply cro-mox for once your done with your 12K you can smooth that edge out a bit for a smoother shave.
    German blade snob!

  9. #19
    Tradesman s0litarys0ldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Whatever you do, with the 4/8 Norton, you have begun with the best tool for razors since sliced bread.
    To my knowledge, a new 325 is too rough to maintain it, OR, it should have a lot of wear to maintain hones, IMO. I use a VERY worn one. A 600 DMT would be perfect as-new. JMHO
    I use the DMT DIA-FLAT and its a lower grit then 325, never had a problem with it maintaining my hones. YMMV indeed friend.

  10. #20
    Senior Member rlmnshvstr8's Avatar
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    IMO I like the chosera 1k or shapton 1k for bevel setting. I have both and enjoy both. As to get you the buttery smooth edge there are many paths. So if you would like what I think just PM me and I will share.
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