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Thread: What next?

  1. #1
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    Default What next?

    So I have a coti. And love it. Thinking of buying another stone to play with. Should I try another type of coti. Or an Escher, or something else? I like natural stones and am wondering what to look for. Leaning toward a hybrid coti, but seems hard to find and pricey.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rideon66 View Post
    So I have a coti. And love it. Thinking of buying another stone to play with. Should I try another type of coti. Or an Escher, or something else? I like natural stones and am wondering what to look for. Leaning toward a hybrid coti, but seems hard to find and pricey.
    Whoa!!! IF you are getting good shaving results from the Coticule, stop for now! A further finisher will polish the edge you have made or maybe ruin it. A 12k stone of whatever vintage is nice or find a barber hone of high quality and you are set for life.
    The reason i say this is that I bought a lot of hones seeking a perfect blade finish but now use only one or two. I use more when renewing razors. If you only are enjoying shaving with a straight and have only a few of them,you are set!
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Willisf's Avatar
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    A coti can be used as a one hone process. Some people can do it and some use other/ more hones. Coticules are great to use and to even to play around with. Learn it backwards and forwards and you will not regret it. Lots of great info on coticules.
    Badgister and Geezer like this.
    Is it over there or over yonder?

  4. #4
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    Yes I agree. I just want to have one other natural stone. Kind of for fun and for a back up so I can go back and forth and make both last longer. Really am thinking of hunting down a Les Latneuses hybrid. They look really cool plus the hybrid seems like it is a bit higher grit. So I would still be using coti, but may get a little different edge to feel. I had razors finished on different stones, but like the edge from the coti and esher the best.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    I doubt you will wear it out ,, but buy as many as you like , but if you really are getting a great shaving edge why change and add another variable to the mix at this early stage of your honing? And if your edges aren't that great you should stick with it till you do learn that hone. Just an opinion. Tc
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  6. #6
    Senior Member cosperryan's Avatar
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    Once I had learned my main coticule really well and got really consistent results I tried a really well burnished black arkansas. Right after finishing off the coticule to the arkie and do like 100-200 laps. It was like shaving with butter and your whiskers were also made of butter and just butter. Also, being as coti's are non-porous you can try oil on the coticule and just wash it off with soapy water after wards. Or if your really opposed to putting oil on your coti you can get smith's honing solution. Another thing that will take your coti edge to another level is a nice real linen strop.

  7. #7
    Rock collector robellison01's Avatar
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    Jnat's could be fun...
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  8. #8
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    Jnats have a lot of stigma around them. I have several now, and except one were very affordable. They give and edge that is IMO far superior to a coticule. I know others will shout blasphemy, but for me a coticule edge doesn't have what it takes. If you keep your eyes peeled on the classifieds they pop up every now and then, I might even put one or two up myself.
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  9. #9
    Mental Support Squad Pithor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rideon66 View Post
    Really am thinking of hunting down a Les Latneuses hybrid. They look really cool plus the hybrid seems like it is a bit higher grit. So I would still be using coti, but may get a little different edge to feel. I had razors finished on different stones, but like the edge from the coti and esher the best.
    The Les Latneuses coticules are not any finer or higher in grit than pretty much any other coticule I've tried. If you would try an edge finished on it next to another well done coticule edge in a blind test I'd very much doubt you'd notice a difference. And yes, they do look cool.

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  11. #10
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    You should at least tryout a nice Thuringian Stone or either an Escher ;-)

    Concerning Pithors statement i have another opinion, not talking about grits on Les Latneuses....but i got very nice smooth shaving results from these stones.....

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