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Thread: New intresting hones

  1. #11
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    Not every Charnley has red in it. My finest one has no red at all. Without touching the stone, I cant say for certain. I have only seen a few turkey/Cretans stones, and they have had as many variations as any other. So anything is possible. That said, I do lean in the direction of Charnley stone. and the smaller one with the sparkle (it looks like its sparkling to me anyway) reminds me of a "Special Stone"
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  2. #12
    Member jelajemi's Avatar
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    Pictures of a Schyte.Name:  dscf8944.jpg
Views: 234
Size:  105.8 KBName:  41clpFSbn9L._SX300_.jpg
Views: 259
Size:  6.9 KB
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  3. #13
    Senior Member Vasilis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RusenBG View Post
    Guys , guys please , first of all i am a newbe pfotographer . second , what the .... , will a raw chunk of used chanley Forest , do in bulgaria fleamarket . The history remember many cretans on a raw pieces and mounted on a wood bases , but Charnwood - never .the stone is for shure a novaculite so if the chanley is not omparable with our geografic attitude , the Cretan is the only option left . There were many other rew bouts ive seem here in Bulgaria .
    Anyway , if this is a Chanly , i will be the happyest persone . the stone is in fact very fine and hard , unlike any other cretan ive try and seen .
    third , what is shiste stone , it is a good midle stone in fact .
    And in the last place q there is a little green still , but i think better now .
    Any light , exept from the lightning makes the cryptonite effect .
    Now from thr begining q the 2 new stones and one C 12 K q for color comparition
    Where you've found them is of little importance. I have found (and bought, naturally) labeled, unused Thuringians (not Eschers, different, blue label) in antique shops in Corfu, and a coticule in Constantinople/Istanbul. I have to agree that it looks a lot like a Charnley.
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  4. #14
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    If you say that is not cretan , so is not . I played with the stone and if realy fine q i canot believe the edge it gives . So the consensus is Charnwood , man it was my dream from a long time .
    I guess you never know when the dreams became trueth .
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  5. #15
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Default New intresting hones

    They appear in quite many different variations, sometimes plain green, sometimes with the red stripes or banding, sometimes going into brown or khaki colored....

    The stone is hard as hell, probably a bit harder then the cretan...hard to compare both...lapping these or the cretans is a fucking job...

    The edges are quite polished, the shaving result is clean shaven, a sharp edge...not as smooth as a thuri but very good...

    Did you use oil ?

    These are my plain greens:

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  6. #16
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    The stone was used in oil snd dirty also . It has some gray - blueish color under the dirt . i think first q that is a lucky day and i get a broken big size thuryngian = But when i clean it and after i try it with the DMT plate i realize it is something very diferent from thury . I think first it was a cretan , fery fine and heavy oiled . I never considered cretans for a hard stone as it lapps DRY on a piece of paper very easy .
    This stone was a hard to lapp on dry sandpaper and hard on a sic pouder on a glass as it fast grinds the sic . Its more easyly lapped with Diamond plate as is gives fine slurry with a coticule like , soapy texture . It freaks me out as it was an unseen stone .
    i kill the e4dge of an shave ready razor and with 30 - 40 laps i remade it , oh god . i was oiled the stone and i test it with oil . I will test it further tomorow morning with slurry .
    It is one of the best natural stones i ever had q i never had coticule , cretan or somethomd else so fast restoring edge killed on a hard wood . Well the GD are a soft steel but .....still , this stone is fast .
    It reminds me of some strange combination of stones . Hard but not as a jasper or ark hard q still making slurry with a 10 15 circles with thw 220 DMT and presure . It hard , but nott very hard stone .

  7. #17
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jelajemi View Post
    Pictures of a Schyte.
    Actually they are pictures of a couple of scythes.
    And this is a picture of some machetes.
    Name:  3435431-5898256597-mache.jpg
Views: 197
Size:  61.1 KB
    And this is a picture of some Avengers.
    Name:  corgi-avengers-3.jpg
Views: 178
Size:  89.0 KB
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  8. #18
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    I meanwhat is a Schyte type stone and what propertys it has =.For those tools here we use a hard sandstone or any kind of abrasive stone . Well this long piece is not a this kind of stone , not made here .

  9. #19
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    I try today the stone on slurry and it is very fast - black slurry in 40 circles . im no longer sure it is a novaculite it is something like very hard shist , hard and shiny like novaculite . i dont know what it is biut is my best stone , from my naturals .
    i dont know what to think . Amazing mystery hone .

  10. #20
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    Guys im amazed how the natural bout unknoun hone , performs . its almost the perfect hone .
    im wondering what is the chance to be one of those stones , as we see lot of thurys here in bulgaria .

    Its not a novaculite , maybe some kind of chert , i dont know what it is , it does amazing job in a 5 k till the end .
    Super prefinisher and very good finisher . i shaved with the edge , this slab puts on one GD test razor .
    i never think that GD can take such good shaving edge . The stone is amazing .

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