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  • 2 Post By onimaru55

Thread: Atoma 400 or Norton 1000 grit

  1. #1
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    Default Atoma 400 or Norton 1000 grit

    This post is to ask if another has these and can give me an opinion on which one i should put my money towards for a bevel setting stone. I need something for longterm use and something with great results.

  2. #2
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    I have both, I use the atoma (now very well worn) to lap the 1k (and my other stones).

    The 1k would be best for bevel setting, the atoma (even when worn) removes a lot of metal, (too much for just setting bevels) and leaves deep scratches that can take a lot of time to get out with higher grit stones (the deep scratches can also lead to microchiping of the edge) .

  3. #3
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    When it comes to a 1k, I am not a huge fan of the Norton. I love my Chosera 1k, which I understand is in a different class. Honestly, I think I preferred my King 1k to the Norton 1k. Not a huge fan of the Naniwa SS 1k because of it's softness, but I think I would take it over the Norton 1k, maybe...

    Isn't the Atoma a diamond on steel? I don't typically like those for honing (have only used DMT's).

    What else do you have?

  4. #4
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Easy question. Atoma 400 is not a bevel setting stone.
    JimmyHAD and SirStropalot like this.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I've had a bunch of bevel setters and, as Holli4pirating said, the chosera 1k is the best I've come across. As Oz said, the Atoma is a diamond plate, generally for lapping stones. I've got the Atoma 1200 and it is great for lapping. The DMT D8C (325) is also good ....... not a good as the Atoma, but a third the cost last I looked.
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  6. #6
    Junior Member StoneSeeker's Avatar
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    Chosera 1k

  7. #7
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    Have them all and would not use the Atoma 400 for setting bevels. Would purchase it to lap the other stones flat.

    The Norton 1K is a capable stone and will work just fine for bevel setting, downside, it's THIRSTY and needs to be pre-soaked, also can be hard on spines for the new honer so if you choose this stone use tape at first till you learn to keep light pressure on the spine.

    The best bevel setter that I have is the Naniwa Professional P310 (New Chosera 1K).
    If you plan on honing allot of razors I would advise this stone and the Atom 400 or the DMT 325 for lapping your stones with.

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