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Thread: If someone asked you to put a starters kit!!!

  1. #11
    Senior Member Wolfpack34's Avatar
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    I always think that every time this question is asked or proposed that it should be premised first on what an individuals intentions are. IF you are serious about learning to hone razors then in my opinion your intention is to be buying and honing a lot of razors. Honing above all else requires patience and lots of practice...much more so than the choice of 'starters kit' out of the many many combinations possible.

    Having said that, and assuming you will be (like many of us!) honing a lot of razors, and cost is a factor I would go with the Superstone's 1-3-5-8-12 series. A new honer...or anyone for that matter IMO...can't go wrong with these synthetics for the price. If you stick with honing I would then recommend getting a very hard Coticule like a nice Dressant to get the feel of a natural, especially for the softer steel of the older Sheffield's. Where you go from there will determine how bad a case of 'HAD' you've developed.

    One man's opinion...
    Lupus Cohors - Appellant Mors !

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Would get the atoma 400, naniwa 1k and the 3/ 8. As they are learning they don't need anything higher than 8k. If you really wanted add some crox
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