As your experience and skill levels go up, so does your desire to expand, and for many our hobby takes them down the route of natural stones. I am not experienced in using Japanese naturals. I have messed with coticules and failed. For me in the last nearly a year I've settled on the Naniwa way, finishing up with a 20k Suehiro. I now get excellent shaves EVERY time with all my razors. I have a dozen or so in my active rotation (another 20 that I keep safe for a day to come) So, I must admit I am paying closer attention to jnat options, but to be honest I don't know what I'd need and how much I would need to spend to get a finishing set up of nats. The one variable I have changed is strops. I am an unashamed fanatic of Kanayama strops. IMHO they do make a difference to the quality of my edges. Leave that for another day. So after the Gok 20, strop up with 20 laps on canvas 30 laps on suede and 100 on Cordovan, using the #70000 Kanayama. Cheers gents and please don't send me jnat options. I am already on thin ice with she must be obeyed over my strop