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I have a full set of Naniwa sharpening stones (new Superstones), every available grit. I do not need that many, but I like having them. It reduces the number of strokes I need to hone a razor.
The Naniwas are very nice stones. The Naniwa 12K can put a mirror polish on an edge, but on some types of steel you can get microchips in the edge. Also the 12K edge can be a little harsh/too keen on some razors. The Naniwa 10K does not seem to have either problem.
Although the 10K can be used as a finisher, I like the finish of a natural stone more so than the synthetics. The edge might not be quite as polished as on a Naniwa 12K, but the balance between sharp and smooth seems to be better. Thus, my current progression starts on the Naniwa 1K, takes me up through the 10K and then on to a natural stone for finishing.
Getting a Naniwa 10K is a good way to get into honing. It will be good for refreshing razors. Then if you want to go into other aspects of honing, add a Naniwa 1K and 5K. That will give you a bevel setter, a mid range and a finisher. Then, if you can afford it, add the intermediate stones.
A lot of people like the Norton stones, but realize that Norton and Naniwa rate grits on a different scale. Norton stones do not go higher than an 8K and their 8K is similar in grit to a Naniwa 5K, so it is not a true finisher, although some people shave off one. You can go from a Norton 8K to another finishing stone, but if you want a series of stones with a similar feel, Naniwas are a good choice.