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Thread: ALOXITE Barber hone test

  1. #1
    Modine MODINE's Avatar
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    Default ALOXITE Barber hone test

    Here are two versions of the Aloxite barber hone from The Carborundum Company, Niagara Falls. The Aloxite is a one sided hone that measures 5”L x 2”W x 1/2”H +-. There were no additional instructions with these hones.

    Two identical King Midas Extra Good razors were chosen to test this Barber hone. Both razors were taken to a 1K-3K-8K level. One of the razors was then progressed to the approx. 15K level on a much finer stone. The edges were visually inspected at 100X magnification at each interval.

    8 laps, strokes or passes were made on the Aloxite barber hone with soap lather to see if it would maintain, improve or degrade the 8K edge. The edge was observed again under 100X magnification.

    Conclusion, The first version Aloxite pictured degraded the 8K Norton edge to approx. 4-6K while the darker brown version maintained the 8K edge. Both versions are an aggressive barber hone that can refresh an edge to the 6K to 8K level. No more than 8 laps should be made or a wire edge will quickly form, stropping on leather and or a properly pasted strop would improve the edge.

    version #1


  2. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to MODINE For This Useful Post:

    boz (10-31-2017), buanadha (10-30-2017), BWH1980 (12-10-2017), DoughBoy68 (10-31-2017), Frameback (10-31-2017), gabrielcr78 (10-31-2017), Geezer (10-31-2017), markbignosekelly (10-31-2017), RezDog (10-30-2017), Steve56 (10-31-2017), xiaotuzi (10-30-2017)

  3. #2
    Senior Member gabrielcr78's Avatar
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    Thanks Mike!!! this is a very complete review, much appreciated, keep them coming!!
    honing my mind...

  4. #3
    Senior Member
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    A friend of mine recently gave me an "Aloxite brand razor hone". There is no mention of the Carborundum Company on it, contrary to other Aloxite hones I could look up. I find that weird - from what I understand, Carborundum was very keen on putting its name on their product.

    Any clue about this hone? Likely to be closer to the earlier generation or the latter one? (And yes, it is the same hone - dark grey somehow became brown with the flash...)
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