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Thread: Coticule

  1. #1
    STF is offline
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    Default Coticule

    Hi Guys, Quick newbie question if I may.

    I want to touch up my razors because my collection is growing and it will get expensive to send them off too often.

    I understand that it isn't recommended to start honing at my experience but unless a honer moves in next door I need to learn to touch up.

    Anyway, are these worth considering?


    Thanks for your assistance guys.

    - - Steve

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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    The working area of the Swaty is clean but the shipping on that makes it a no go. It would have to sell for under $20 or so to make it cheap enough to offset that shipping. The coticule has crazy shipping too. For a refresh hone that is easy to use, you can get a Naniwa 12K from Paul’s finest. If you get to doing restore works it will fit in better there. If you think you want to try a barber hone out then perhaps put a want ad in the classifieds. There are a lot of guys with boxes of barber hone stashed away that will likely let them go for less than ebay.
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  3. #3
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    +1 to the 12k synthetic. Will want something to keep it flat as well. Coticule can be a great option if you get a good one buttttt, everyone is looking for a great one and chances are you won't get a finishing one.

  4. #4
    Senior Member bartds's Avatar
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    don't know about the Swaty , but that coti looks like a 'la nouvelle veine' . Most of these are quite fast on water but dead slow on water so merely polishing...check out for more info - price is not too bad either.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yup. Probably two of the most controversial and hardest stones to learn to get a good edge on.

    Most barber hones are in the 6k range and the small size make it difficult for a new honer to learn on. As said most guys have a box of them. They do make great Ax or backpack knife stones.

    Coticules are all over the map, proof is almost no one owns just one. Everyone is looking for one that delivers a “Better” finish.

    Don’t know that seller, though the Natural Coticules look nicer. The one linked is small. If I was buying a Coticule, I would buy a Natural over a glued stone, I have had better luck with natural stones over glued stones.

    A 12k Naniwia is a much better, no brainer, almost guaranteed edge producer.

    With a little bit of experimentation one can get smoking edges from it. I just posted how I max out a 12k edge from a Super Stone on this thread.

    The almighty Naniwa 12k


  6. #6
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bartds View Post
    don't know about the Swaty , but that coti looks like a 'la nouvelle veine' . Most of these are quite fast on water but dead slow on water so merely polishing...check out for more info - price is not too bad either.
    Not sure about nouvelle veine, I contacted ardennes for 5 years in a row inquiring about that vein and they weren't mining, nor had plans to do so in the near future they told me.

    I hope I'm wrong because it's an excellent vein

    The smaller one in the picture is without a doubt a La Grise

  7. #7
    STF is offline
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    Sorry to bother you again about this guys.

    This looks just right to me but I thought I would run it by you all first.

    Price seems good to me as well, about $31 Canadian inc shipping from UK

    - - Steve

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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    I have one of those purple Welsh slates.
    There's lots of info on here about them, so use the search bar for everyones opinions.
    Personally I quite like mine, I lapped one side to a high grit and use Smith's honing solution for about 30ish feather light laps. It gives crisp edge.
    I use the other side with a DMT card to create a light slurry then go to the high grit side if the edge is not quite ready for a finisher.

    As mentioned your better of biting the bullet and get the 12k Naniwa, they cut fast and are easy to use.
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  10. #9
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Listing says two things that dont go together.
    Natural and 12k.
    Natural stones dont have a grit rating! That is hs opinion not fact.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  11. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I have one too. I used another before I bought mine. The one I borrowed was much faster than mine. Mine is very very slow. Which is the way of the naturals. There are variances from hone to hone even in the same vein. Which is why people are often recommended to use a synthetic to start. With a synthetic everything is a known except your technique, which allows you to focus exclusively on your technique.
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