I see so much talk about barber hones, but I can't seem to figure out why I would want one? Where it would fit in? I have a vintage thuringian that is giving me absolutely fantastic edges, so I'm not sure if a barber hone would be useful to me?

If you already have an escher or vintage thuringian, or other fine finisher -- nakayama, shapton 16k/30k, naniwa super 12k, or even a chinese 12k and possibly even just a coticule, is there any reason to have a barber hone too? From what I've read, they are typically estimated to be in the 8-10k grit range, right? So if you have a finer finisher already, do you really need the barber hone too? I'm talking swatys and just in general all of the other random barber hones too.

Do those of you with barber hones and eschers/vintage thuringians (for example) use both? Why?