Do you look at the beels under magnification? If you can look at the edge and bevel of the 8000Jp and then after the 16000 white and tell me what you see.The 16000 does not refine after the 8000jp. The logical progression would be the 30000 if need or pastes if needed. I shaved of the 8000jp and it was quite remarkable. From me playing with it the Jp 8000 is going to me at it's best for the vintage blades. I have not done enough real hard swedish one to comment yet. The darn thing never get dull. I just did a trio of Challenge blades and they are harder by my accounts and it was good but the stone was not at it's best. It might be this is a 'nitch" stone for the older carbon blades. IMHO it has to be seen to be believed.