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  1. #1
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    Default Mystery hone! Sorry HADites

    First off, at the moment I have no pictures! sorry HADites! I picked up a hone on ebay for 20 dollars shipped. It came in a box and was black/concave from all the oil/honing. I cleaned and lapped it and was pleasantly suprised! i figured at best I would have just another coarse stone, or an arkansas. However this stone is neither! I would place it around 8k right now, I haven't had time to do further testing on it. The color of this stone brings me to my first question. It is a sandy salmon color with darker black specks. It looks alot like a medium india stone. My question is, can a norton med india be lapped with a 750grit diamond stone and hone like its 8k grit? I find this hard to belive, however i am open for sugestion. I have also looked at all the hones in the database/eslsewhere and it looks closest to a norton med india, but I don't think thats what it is.

    Here is the link to Ebay Antique Razor Hone - eBay (item 190375563355 end time Feb-28-10 14:32:00 PST)

    I will post pics later tomorrow when I get home, I realize it makes it difficult to idnetifiy without.

  2. #2
    zib is offline
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    There's no doubt, it's an oil hone, and my first guess would have been Norton, or Arkansas. India is a possibility. I've never really tried them on razors...As far as 750 grit Diamond hone, what do you mean? I have DMT's D8XX, D8C, D8F, D8E......
    But, if your asking if you change the grit of the stone by lapping, then no.
    No matter what you lapp it with, the stone will remain the same. Lapping is really meant to give you a flat honing surface. You can use finer grit wet sandpapers on finishing hones to get a nice smooth surface, but if it's 1k, it's still a 1k...
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  3. #3
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    I have a 750grit diamond hone of the norton variet. If lapping doesn't change the grit, how the heck is this thing giving me near mirror polishes!?

  4. #4
    Blood & MWF soap make great lather JeffE's Avatar
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    Here's your picture, and it looks like an oilstone to me too. Good purchase for $20, if you can use it.
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