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Thread: What'd ya hone today?

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    Default What'd ya hone today?

    I'm real happy spring is in the air. I can finally got out to my unheated shop and do some work. Been playing with the buffers and making scales but today I honed up what I finished. What did you all hone up recently?

    1) Electric 4/8's for CarrieM - Buffed and honed

    2) Wade and Butcher 7/8's - Out of the scales, Greaseless and buffers, had to rework the pivot end of the scales and buffed, honed and shave tested. Got my ear lobe with the tip

    3) Genco Gold Seal - Buffed and honed

    4) Genco Easy Aces - Buffed and honed. I didn't know if the pitting would clear the bevel but the price was right and the bevel is clean

    5) Maher and Grosh Anchor Brand - Buffed and honed. THis one was black with surface oxidation.

    6) Puma Inox - TUned the edge for the third time. This time it is there. I don't usually have an issue with Inox but this ine didn't want to smooth out.

    Hones used:
    Naniwa Chosera 600 (at times) and 2k
    Naniwa 5k and 8k

    The W&B shaves silky smooth with a BBS finish. CarrieM tested it on her legs and was very focused during the test. I had her shave the back of my neck with it. She didn't want to use that one but I talked her into it.

    Tell us what you honed up today. Pics are nice but optional. I'd love to see one of Lynn's stacks at the end of a day.
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  2. #2
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    I thought the Inox was there last I was over... Lol, sounds like that was quite a battle.

    Very nice arrangement, Joe.

  3. #3
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    Today I honed up a Joseph Rodgers and Sons wedge 7/8s. I used two layers of tape and this progression:

    Bread knife on glass
    Naniwa 1k
    norton 4k with BBW slurry
    norton 8k with BBW slurry
    Naniwa 12K
    Linen strop, cowhide strop, Latigo stropping.

    Awesome shave, a face like glass!

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by holli4pirating View Post
    I thought the Inox was there last I was over... Lol, sounds like that was quite a battle.
    The Inox was good when you left but I thought I could get a little more out of it and I did. I'm getting fussy in my old age. It was a PITA but there were a couple that were more of a challenge.
    “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)

  5. #5
    W&B, Torrey, Filarmonica fanboy FatboySlim's Avatar
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    Over this weekend I honed a few razors I recently acquired via eBay. An ERN 1934 in 5/8ths that still took a great edge in spite of a world of staining, a Crown Razor of Boston in 5/8th (shown below) that was a joy to hone, and a Sonnal Luxus in 13/16ths (also shown below). The pitting/staining on the Sonnal Luxus is disappointing, because it took a fantastic edge. It looks much worse in the pictures than it does in person. Sadly, my skills with steel extend only to honing, not polishing/restoration (yet...).

    - Bevel set on DMT 1200
    - King 4000 water stone
    - Belgian Blue
    - Belgian Coticule
    - Nakayama Asagi
    - Nakayama Karasu

    Crown Razor Co. Boston:

    Sonnal Luxus:

    Last edited by FatboySlim; 03-29-2010 at 02:06 AM. Reason: Forgot to add the honing progression

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I had to work today but I actually did a bit of honing right before I shaved this morning. I took the Puma in the top photo and did 20 strokes on a little Water Of Ayr hone I just bought from a forum member. Just wanted to see what it would feel like shaving afterwards. Felt good.

    The past couple of weeks or so I have honed these on one day or another. The one Genco re-scale is one I got from a forum member about a couple of years ago. I honed it with tape back then so I wanted to and did redo it from bevel set to finish without tape.

    The Bismarck was gotten as a blade only as the scales were too far gone. I rescaled it with a pair from a blade that was too far gone. Honed it but don't recall with what. Probably naniwas.

    The carbo magnetic was a minty ebay acquisition. I got it awhile back and finally got around to it last week. The two fluid steels are numbered 1 & 2 on the scales by me. I got 6 of them in one lot. All in great shape but in need of honing.

    I have been keeping track and will number all of them and write down what I used. The # 1 was honed with the naniwas and the # 2 with Shapton Pros. I really should keep a record of what gets honed with what. I keep promising myself I will and then don't do it. I need to slow down on buying razors and get a decent camera. .
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  7. #7
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    A nice quiet Sunday afternoon with the kids in bed for a nap, I honed an H. Diamond 1000 and a RW custom.


    DMT 1200 to set the bevel
    Chosera #3000
    Chosera #5000
    Mikawa natural
    Oohira Suita

    I tested the RW and it still isn't good, too scratchy (I think I'm going to give it to the coticule from start to finish and see what happens). This one doesn't want to seem to smooth out. But I still have a few other progressions to try before I start brainstoming.

    I'll test the Diamond 1000 tonight.

  8. #8
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Still honing !!!

    Honing still tonight !!

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    Dovo #109
    Dovo Best
    DD SatinWedge
    Reynolds FauxFrameback
    Turner Ryalls Sheffield

    40 circles to set bevels on a Norton 1k on some
    Running Shaptons Tonight 1-2-4-6-8-16-30
    CrOx x 15 Bench Strop
    CeOx x 10 Bench Strop

    Have another Dovo Special and a W&B that I need to do in the morning before work if the scales are right and dry

  9. #9
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Frieder Ern
    Dovo 300
    Joseph Alan and sons non XXL wedge
    W&B 6/8 barbers notch wedge
    W&B faux framebcak
    W&B Celebrated almost 1"

    Stones used
    600 Chosera when needed
    1k chosera
    3k chosera
    Yanoshigima Suita
    Nakayama Asagi

    0.3 micron CrO bench strop
    CeO bench strop

  10. #10
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    I did an eBay W&B half hollow yesterday. It had some chips in the edge so I had to drop down to the 325 DMT, but I got there in the end..!

    - DMT 325
    - Shapton 1k, 4k, 8k and 16k
    - 0.5 diamond on denim x10
    - CrOx on leather x5
    - Chalk paste on canvas x25
    - Strop

    It seems to have taken a really good edge, but the test shave tomorrow morning will tell..! I was going to test shave today, but I totally overslept so I ended up using my DE. Darn Monday mornings..! Hehe!

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