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Thread: Hone-stone from South Africa!

  1. #11
    Blood & MWF soap make great lather JeffE's Avatar
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    Jasper, you DEFINITELY need a cool name for your stone, and I can help you get your trademark registered in the US if you want to go that direction. Of course, I might need one of those 8x3 stones for sample purposes . . .

    No, not serious about that last part. You're a member here, and this is what I do for a living, so if you want some help getting a name for your stone registered, send me a PM and I'll tell you what I know about it! --Jeff

  2. #12
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    JESUS I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is one sexy piece of stone you are so lucky! wish I could find something like that around here! my HAD is getting out of order.. AGAIN!

  3. #13
    Member Evritt's Avatar
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    I need one ... or two of these please.


  4. #14
    Member ZethLent's Avatar
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    Beautiful hone!!!

    If you are going to sell some I would definately want to try one.

    Email coming your way.

  5. #15
    Senior Member MichaelC's Avatar
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    Ok folks,
    So here's the deal. I'm cutting and lapping two stones. One is going to Sham and the other to Jimmy for testing purposes.. As much as I'd like to ask them to 'be kind' with their outcome, I know they must just be honest so as not to waste everyone's time. I'm convinced though from my honing a dull razor, that it is indeed a worthwhile hone to have if you're even slightly in the 'I don't have one of those so now I NEED one' category... But also I must say the strange thing I found is that the hone seems 'forgiving' in that I actually enjoyed using it more than my other hones. It felt like I was casually honing rather than stressfully honing if that makes sense, and I attribute that to the forgiving nature of the hone as well as the feedback you get when using it.
    But it's over to the more advanced hone freaks for now.. So guys, I'll contact you with the cost to ship the stones + slurry stone, and then if you can evaluate it however you see fit and then post the results here, we'd all appreciate it. Following that one of two things will likely happen:

    1. If Jimmy and Sham reckon this stone ain't all that, then we leave it there and I keep digging (sigh).

    2. If they reckon yes! I've got something here and that it works like x and fits in here between y and z in the honing lineup, then I will process the rest of what I have and most likely release them as a very limited stock of hones under my custom razor brand surfacing later this year.

    In which case I may be the smallest scale hone supplier in the history of razor hones which is kinda cool. But lets get feedback from the evaluators first...

    I'll also be taking a sample to the geology department of the KZN University here where I stay and find out if I can get a proper composition breakdown to see what exactly is at work here.

  6. The Following 12 Users Say Thank You to MichaelC For This Useful Post:

    avatar1999 (04-14-2010), bassguy (04-13-2010), Croaker (04-13-2010), Disburden (04-14-2010), DwarvenChef (04-14-2010), hi_bud_gl (04-14-2010), HNSB (04-14-2010), JeffE (04-14-2010), JimmyHAD (04-13-2010), matt321 (04-13-2010), McWolf1969 (04-14-2010), Radgost (04-20-2010)

  7. #16
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    I can't wait to hear the result from these tests, keep my fingers crossed !

  8. #17
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    Ah...its so nice to be captivated by a thread, for the first time in awhile...of course i knew it would be a natural hone thread. He, he...
    I feel like a newbie again.

    Thanks Jasper Kade.


  9. #18
    Hones/Honing/Master Barber avatar1999's Avatar
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    Count me in for one if they turn out to be worth while

    Beautiful looking stone! Can't wait to hear the reviews!

  10. #19
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Hehe. I want to buy one now before the reviews come in and the prices go WAY up. I'd be willing to take the risk on it...

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

  11. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HNSB View Post
    Hehe. I want to buy one now before the reviews come in and the prices go WAY up. I'd be willing to take the risk on it...
    This IS COOOL
    RogueRazor likes this.

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