Hello JSZ
I was a little surprised to read that you might cut a piece of your Okudo stone to make up a slurry stone. There is a very good chance that in the near future you will regret doing so. These stones although dull, are gems in their own class and you should feel lucky to have found such a large stone to begin with. Cutting a stone is like cutting a piece of rope, you can never put it back together to be as strong or as long.

If you are really looking for a slurry on your stone that is made up of the stone, try sharpening a chisel or a kitchen knife on the stone with some heavy strokes, it will work up a slurry in with just a few strokes. Also you might just buy a 1 x 4 inch DMT diamond pocket stone for just a few bucks and just raise a bit of a slurry at a time on the stone where you are going to hone at.

In the long run though, in order to maintain the flatness of your beauty you will want to invest in an 8 x 3 diamond plate which can serve many purposes in you growing collection of razors and hones. I use one to to take out a deep frown in an edge, and then just rinse it off and use it to flatten a stone. Think of all of the glowing compliments you got about this stone right off the bat, please do not cut it up. regards, Alex