Quote Originally Posted by VeeDubb65 View Post
Utopian is quite right about a good barber hone being all you need to maintain your razor indefinitely. Until I started restoring blades, I was quite happy with mine.

I have read claims that you can in fact set a bevel and do all the honing you need on a barber hone given enough patience. However, I've never tried, and probably never will. I love my Shaptons too much, and I certainly don't have that much patience. The most I've ever brought back on a barber hone (2-sided) was one that was dulled by accidentally slicing my strop.
You can do this, but I would not recommend it. I dropped and broke a blade while traveling last summer and replaced it with a purchase from an anitue store. Using just a two-grit C-Mon barbers hone, I reset the bevel and brought the edge to a usable condition for the rest of my trip. It took a lot of time to get the bevel set, but it is doable.