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  1. #1
    Junior Member MrImperial's Avatar
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    Default My first coticule experience!

    Howdy folks. I've been straight shaving for about six months now, and I still very much classify myself as a noob. Nevertheless, I knew when I got into this business I'd eventually want to be able to do the upkeep on my razor(s) myself, so I researched for about a month before deciding to go the coticule route. I like the idea of a stone that can pretty much do everything, and I like the idea of a stone that I really need to get to know in order to use it well (nothing against Nortons or Naniwas - I just think cotis have more "character", I guess. Ok, I'll stop now ).

    My first results were...surprisingly good. Just a touch up, but you gotta start somewhere. I think I was paranoid about messing my blade up, but I focused and resisted the temptation to hone the hell out of it. After about 10 laps on water, I went to linen and then leather, and voila! New edge. Not as good as a pro doing it, but I'll pull out the catchphrase once more: you gotta start somewhere. I've got a couple of other blades in rougher shape that I'm going to try my hand on bringing back to life, and I'm looking forward to hitting the coti with it (after I slather it in elbow grease and sandpaper ).

  2. #2
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    That's how you start buddy! You should be able to keep a keen edge with a coti virtually forever without ever needing the BBW side (if your stone has it). You approached it right, low # of strokes and strop. If it's not right, do it again till it's right.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

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  4. #3
    Senior Member Joe Edson's Avatar
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    Nice start! Once you get it down you can do a whole lot on a coticule. I personally really like the edges off of them as well.

  5. #4
    zib is offline
    Hell Razor zib's Avatar
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    Coticules are good natural hones. Great for touch ups, and can do a bit more with a slurry. Each is different, so it takes a bit to learn your individual hone....If you have the means, see if you can pick up an inexpensive razor, off the classifieds or the bay, and experiment away....
    We have assumed control !

  6. #5
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Well done . You obviously understand "the less is more" principle
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  7. #6
    Junior Member MrImperial's Avatar
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    Thanks for the encouragement, fellas. Goes a long way!

  8. #7
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    I just did two "eBay specials" with my coti that arrived from Ardennes today, both razors in decent shape, but not even remotely sharp.
    Followed the "Unicot" method per the instructions, and was rewarded by shave-ready smoothness that worked out really good.
    Mine is a 150x40mm LPB combo. Couldn't be happier!

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