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Thread: What Hones required to shave-ready a store bought Dovo?

  1. #21
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austy View Post
    I would imagine they'd come pretty close to being shave-ready, and just need to be finished? I.e. I shouldn't need a great deal of stones to get the razor to where it needs to be? Or could pastes on balsa wood adequately do the job?.
    You should never assume
    Get some practice in on some cheapies first & learn to identify if a bevel is set or if a spine is warped.
    Honing a razor, even a new one, may not be as straight forward as expected.
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  2. #22
    zib is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by onimaru55 View Post
    You should never assume
    Get some practice in on some cheapies first & learn to identify if a bevel is set or if a spine is warped.
    Honing a razor, even a new one, may not be as straight forward as expected.
    I couldn't agree more, especially with a new Dovo. I'd recommend having it honed by a pro. You don't want to take a nice new blade, and practice honing with it. It's a skill, really, and takes some practice. As previously mentioned, Get yourself some Ebay specials, or other inexpensive razors to practice honing on.

    The Norton's 220/1k and 4/8k with the lapping/flattening stone are excellent stones, and you can get a great deal on the set. Get yourself a 12k, and your good to go. A new Dovo isn't going to need much honing. Go to Youtube and search for Dovo Straight Razors. There's a vid there from the factory. It shows you production, start to finish.
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