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Thread: Translucent Prep

  1. #1
    Senior Member Kingfish's Avatar
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    Default Translucent Prep

    Here is a picture of my Translucent Arkansas. It came from Dan's and was selected free of inclusions and high density.

    If you plan on trying one for a finisher, the best way I found to lap and prep was with wet-dry sandpaper, full sheets on flat slab of granit or any flat surface. Lots of circles, back and forth with even pressure brought up quick slurry. I started on 120 grit and went all the way up to the finest aluminum oxide film I had.

    I almost gave up on this stone after first trying to prep it with DMT. From my experience, the DMT was the wrong tool for the job. Deep scratches, slow and stone did not feel good for high end finishing.

    It is now a dedicated finisher used only for shave ready level razors. I have used it on a few razors so far, but all of them gave a very smooth shave, just what you would expect from a finisher.

    I use soapy water and the feel is silky smooth.
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  3. #2
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    I am very tempted to get a translucent Arkansas

    I used them many, many years ago to finish dissection knives we used at work, and have always been impressed with the finish they leave.

    Have fun !

    Best regards

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  4. #3
    Senior Member eleblu05's Avatar
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    very nice looking translucent. i finished mine starting on a broken in dmt 325 once it was flat i moved on to 800g wet&dry on my granite block then 1500 g and 2000g then finished witha 3/4x3/4x3in square tool steel block . i used that steel block like a prep stone to smooth out any scratchs left behind . i rubbed the stone until i got a black swarf all over the stone and repeated 3 times. this will insure that your stone is at its smoothest . to see if you are there put your stone up to your eye you should see the stone reflecting the light the surface should be like a mirror when looking at the stone at an angle. just like a jnat .the stone that went through this process is the stone to the right .
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    Last edited by eleblu05; 08-11-2011 at 12:26 PM.
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  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I keep an old chisel around for my translucent ark, and then just lap the back of the chisel on the stone if I've had to refresh the surface (a DMT always makes the trans too aggressive and fast cutting, you can tell by the wire edge on tools). The "smarts" get knocked off of the stone pretty quickly by the back of the chisel, and it seems to cut nice shallow grooves once that's the case.

    Never tried a razor on it, though.
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  6. #5
    Little Bear richmondesi's Avatar
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    Being very close to Arkansas, I really would like to have one of those one day. It would certainly be a lot of fun to play with. Beautiful stone!

  7. #6
    Senior Member Kingfish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by richmondesi View Post
    Being very close to Arkansas, I really would like to have one of those one day. It would certainly be a lot of fun to play with. Beautiful stone!
    In your area, you are bound to find one turned up at garage sale or antique store. They are sort of a one trick pony, but they do what they do and me likes it! Not just for the nostalgia either, when water stones came out I never looked back, it does produce a smooth edge as a finisher, most forgiving but still sharp.

    You have some nice novaculite!!!
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  8. #7
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eleblu05 View Post
    very nice looking translucent. i finished mine starting on a broken in dmt 325 once it was flat i moved on to 800g wet&dry on my granite block then 1500 g and 2000g then finished witha 3/4x3/4x3in square tool steel block . i used that steel block like a prep stone to smooth out any scratchs left behind . i rubbed the stone until i got a black swarf all over the stone and repeated 3 times. this will insure that your stone is at its smoothest . to see if you are there put your stone up to your eye you should see the stone reflecting the light the surface should be like a mirror when looking at the stone at an angle. just like a jnat .the stone that went through this process is the stone to the right .
    Pretty much the same routine here but I used stones at the 1k and 2k level then used the back of my Jeweler's block after cleaning and lapping for weeks on the DMT's...
    I tried the Soap rountine then I tried Glycerin but ended up back at Honing Oil again...

  9. #8
    Senior Member eleblu05's Avatar
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    yeah thats important gssixgun a good thin oil i use sewing machine oil (white diamond) to achieve the best edge from novaculite stones thin oil gives the best results and here is another translucent a multi color one enjoy
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  10. #9
    Senior Member eleblu05's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingfish View Post
    In your area, you are bound to find one turned up at garage sale or antique store. They are sort of a one trick pony, but they do what they do and me likes it! Not just for the nostalgia either, when water stones came out I never looked back, it does produce a smooth edge as a finisher, most forgiving but still sharp.

    You have some nice novaculite!!!
    yes i do like my novaculite!
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  11. #10
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Hey hey that one in the bottom left corner looks like you stole one of mine, I am checking when I get home

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