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Thread: Japanese natural hone help!!!

  1. #11
    Senior Member Brighty83's Avatar
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    'If' i got the stone in order would it be an ok stone or is it still junk?

    I ask this because i have a second from the seller but it seems to be flat and in good condition. It has a small defect but not anything that would effect the blade.

    Name:  DSC00266.jpg
Views: 397
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    off topic, I have also seen in threads about toxic lines in jnats, are they toxic or are they just lines that will damage the blade?

    I have bookmarked the links provided, i will buy a stone off one of those sites next time!

    Also, I have been advised to keep the sellers name out of the thread, just so i don't get the thread locked.
    Last edited by Brighty83; 08-16-2011 at 04:47 PM.

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    If you paid with paypal immediately file a dispute and escalate to a claim. Is the seller offering the refund based on your returning the stone or you keep the rock and still get 50% ? Not that keeping it would be a good thing, just wondering. If I paid with paypal or with a credit card I'd use whatever resources available to push for a full refund.
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  3. #13
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    This is what makes Natural stones (of all kinds) such a risk, until you push a razor across it yourself you do not know what you have there, many of the reputable sellers test the stones for you and then still offer a money back guarantee because they are that confident in their testing. Of course that raises the price of the stone and why shouldn't it, they are making it safe for you..

    If you used PP then file a report ASAP, if not then re-coup what you can, or try and find a usable layer on the stone..

  4. #14
    Senior Member Brighty83's Avatar
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    I lodged a complaint with PayPal. But i also kept lapping it and lapping it and lapping it...... and so on. I went to a 40 grit lol and went through several sheets of that then worked my way up to 1200. Wow it is hard!

    But, i have managed to get rid of all those flaking parts and i have a hard flat and smooth surface, i don't know if it will hone ok but i will give it a go. If it works maybe 1/2 price is fair. if not i will still push for a full refund!

    For an example of how much i have removed from this stone. Check out the letters on the side, the 'A' on the stone in both photos. Thankfully this is a very thick stone!
    Name:  hone before and after.jpg
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    About 3/16" removed (5mm) give or take - Only if you guys saw how much mess i have made in my kitchen lapping this thing! lol

    After Lapping.
    Name:  DSC00268.jpg
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    Name:  IMG_20110816_214152.jpg
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    It has a lot of lines through the stone, i cant feel them with my finger, are they likely to cause problems?

    Edit: I just chucked a blade on it and it seemed to hone ok, i have a mirror finish but its 2:00AM here at the moment and i will do some more testing in the morning.
    I might have got lucky with this one, i wont be buying from that seller again that's for sure! 'If' it does hone ok, man I'm lucky!

    Also if someone could explain that 'toxic line' thing with the jnats it would be awesome!
    Last edited by Brighty83; 08-16-2011 at 06:04 PM.
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  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    IME with lines and/or inclusions in hones, if they can't be felt 'clicking' the edge when you're honing they are inconsequential. Good luck with that one.
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  6. #16
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brighty83 View Post
    'If' i got the stone in order would it be an ok stone or is it still junk?

    I ask this because i have a second from the seller but it seems to be flat and in good condition. It has a small defect but not anything that would effect the blade.

    Name:  DSC00266.jpg
Views: 397
Size:  13.9 KB

    off topic, I have also seen in threads about toxic lines in jnats, are they toxic or are they just lines that will damage the blade?

    I have bookmarked the links provided, i will buy a stone off one of those sites next time!

    Also, I have been advised to keep the sellers name out of the thread, just so i don't get the thread locked.
    toxic means they are usually harder then the rest of the stone and can scratch the bevels or cause micro chips in the edge.
    onimaru55 and maxim207 like this.

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  8. #17
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Brighty, I read the title of this thread & thought OMG the stone I sold him exploded or something but as I read on things became much clearer

    The new surface looks much better. If you asked I would have suggested lapping the hell out of it but you already did. Yes they are hard eh
    I agree with thebigspendur, it looks 'weathered' to break up like that. Extremes of water & heat are a Jnats worse enemy.


    If the lines are not chipping the razor they are not 'toxic'.. It is common for some stones eg Okudo Suita, which this one resembles, to have these lines. It is not so common to use them on razors but if they work without damage why not.
    Last edited by onimaru55; 08-17-2011 at 12:18 AM.
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  9. #18
    Senior Member Brighty83's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by onimaru55 View Post
    Brighty, I read the title of this thread & thought OMG the stone I sold him exploded or something but as I read on things became much clearer
    HAHA How would that stone i got off you explode! Well i guess i exploded that shapton 1k so maybe you had reasons to be worried hehe

    Have you ever seen a hone lapped that much to get it right? The sound of 40 grip sand paper doesn't sound nice when lapping stones!

    I have tested it a few times now. It seems slow cutting but worked really well with some diamond spray. So i guess i will be keeping it

    Thanks Guys!

  10. #19
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brighty83 View Post
    Have you ever seen a hone lapped that much to get it right? The sound of 40 grip sand paper doesn't sound nice when lapping stones!
    Yes I have. They don't come out of the ground all trued & flat. Someone's gotta do it... In this case it was the buyer
    Never mind , sounds like you have lemonade rather than a lemon now
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  11. #20
    JNS maxim207's Avatar
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    Those stones that have week layer they shod not be even sold, if you had such week layer that it brake off on the top of the stone you will have the same in the middle.
    I hade same crapy stone my self and they are just not useable, eventually some big chunk will brake of and damage your razor. Lines on the stones is ok and many good stone have lines. But week layer is just not acceptable, i will not even use it on the knifes.
    zib likes this.

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