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Thread: My new Escher is here...

  1. #31
    Senior Member Kingfish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by richmondesi View Post
    From what I've read, lather and slurry were used synonymously in some cases. Remember Liam's videos using a coticule? I'm relatively positive that he didn't come up with it by reading anything on the Internet...
    I do remember that video, but the only way I have read historically about lathers being raised by the rubber in regards to German water stone but have never read about the use of rubber in regards to cotis and the word linked the same way.

  2. #32
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingfish View Post
    I do remember that video, but the only way I have read historically about lathers being raised by the rubber in regards to German water stone but have never read about the use of rubber in regards to cotis and the word linked the same way.
    I also don't recall ever seeing a vintage coticule in a box with a slurry stone.

  3. #33
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    back in the 1980s the old barbers in Newark, NJ showed me how to hone on a coticule. The three individual barbers who demonstrated their technique to me all used the Lather King hot lather machine to put a layer of lather on the coticule. None of them ever mentioned slurry ..... or lapping/flattening for that matter. All of them also used Swaty barber hones dry and only for touching up during a shave. Just mentioning it to say that the 70 or so year old barbers in that part of the world at that particular time did it that way. Personally I find soap on a coticule too slick for my hand. YMMV.
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  4. #34
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    that must have been cool. The one time I was taught how to strop by a barber instructor left me star struck.

  5. #35
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AFDavis11 View Post
    that must have been cool. The one time I was taught how to strop by a barber instructor left me star struck.
    To be honest Alan it proved to be my undoing. Back then I used to go to old barbers and ask if they had any razors or stones they would sell. I bought a few coticules and a swaty, as well as many razors. The guys that demonstrated how to use the coticule told me the blue side was a base only and not good for honing. That , of course, was the general consensus back then from what I understand. The 'undoing' came because they all told me to do no more than 5 or 10 round trips with ..... and they stressed... only the weight of the blade. Wasn't long before I gave up trying to sharpen razors. Fortunately I found SRP and guys like you and Lynn to put me on the right track.
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  6. #36
    Senior Member Jimbo7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disburden View Post
    I also don't recall ever seeing a vintage coticule in a box with a slurry stone.
    I saw one on Ebay probably 2 or 3 months ago that had a pretty thin (.25 inch-ish) slurry stone that fit neatly into the end of the cardboard box, much like you see with the Eschers. No idea if it was 'stock' or not, just thought it was worth mentioning.

  7. #37
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    There's actually a video of a barber honing on a coticule with shaving lather in his hand.. it was posted on theshaveden site if you search coticule it comes up.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary haywood View Post
    i've just got mine today, just post how you used the stone with or with out slurry water etc. And if you used it after coticule.i will try mine later. I'm going to use it on a coticule honed razor that shaves well, and seethe differance, i'm not sure as to use just water or slurry to water.
    Try both Gary and then try slurry to water.

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  10. #39
    zib is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    back in the 1980s the old barbers in Newark, NJ showed me how to hone on a coticule. .
    I used to go to the Newark Drive in, it was still there in the late 70's, and maybe early 80's
    Man, I had some good times there......

    I agree with you about the Escher, I've always prefered the Escher edge, to that of my Coticules.
    I can get some killer edges off my Cotis, La petite blance, dressante, even that beautiful pink one I got from you.......But there's a different feel to the Escher edge.
    Last edited by zib; 08-18-2011 at 01:01 AM.
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  11. #40
    Striving for a perfect shave. GeauxLSU's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zib View Post
    I agree with you about the Escher, I've always prefered the Escher edge, to that of my Coticules.
    I can get some killer edges off my Cotis, La petite blance, dressante, even that beautiful pink one I got from you.......But there's a different feel to the Escher edge.

    Now, I guess I'll be busting my butt to get an Escher... How's the Thuringian rate?
    I strop my razor with my eyes closed.

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