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About what they are I shan't be tempted to state anything, but I may venture a guess about what's on them:
本鳴瀧 hon-Narutaki = genuine Narutaki
極上 gokujou = first-rate; finest quality; the best)
正本山合砥 shou-honyama-awasedo = real Nakayama whetstone (used
極上 gokujou again (I think, the kanji aren't very clear in the picture)
一本撰 ipponsen = dedicated selection
愛宕鉱山合砥 Atago-kouzan-awasedo = Atago-mine whetstone
最上級 saijoukyuu = highest grade
四十型 [no clear idea on the meaning: yosokata? aikata? yotokei? = litt: four ten (or forty) model (or style)]