View Poll Results: Is the Hanging Hair Test a parlor trick or a useful tool?

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  • Parlor Trick

    12 23.53%
  • Useful Tool

    15 29.41%
  • Both answers

    24 47.06%
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Thread: Hanging Hair Test, parlor trick or useful?

  1. #21
    Senior Member xMackx's Avatar
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    Yeah I was curious because I think it's both as well. As Hoglahoo said he actually seen it as a trick in a parlor which I read that people have done that. I agree it can be a useful tool if you use the same exact hair from the same person, but then again I also read and I agree with this too is that small serrations in a blade actually pass the hanging hair test easier that a smooth shaver. So I guess it's all what you're used to but I still think its both a trick but can be a useful tool with the right circumstances. Keep voting guys!
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  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    I think it can be useful, for me a razor that passes a HHT always shaves (some better than others), but it's not the case the other way around (some still can shave, for me, but some can't, even though they're sharpish).

  3. #23
    Texas Guy from Missouri LarryAndro's Avatar
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    I use three different people's hair that have different HHT characteristics. Using their hair, I can test every section of the blade, which is something I can't test as well with the shave test. (Besides, I can't shave multiple times every day!) When applying the HHT, I watch the vibration, and the way the hair is cut. For vibration, there is a wide range of vibration behaviors. The same for cutting, as the importance of the cutting part is how the hair is cut. Just the fact that the hair is cut is unimportant.

    For me, the HHT is like a scientific instrument. It is no more a parlor trick than a geiger counter is for those hunting radiation. But, it took a ton of work, continual use of the HHT to understand and use the test.

    But, maybe I should have checked BOTH above when answering the poll. Because, if someone hasn't done the work to learn the test, then for them it might be a parlor trick.
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  4. #24
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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  5. #25
    Senior Member pmburk's Avatar
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    For me, I use the HHT after honing and stropping to determine if I am going to shave with it. That's how I do it in my home.

  6. #26
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    I haven't been honing for long but, I find it a useful tool:
    - to monitor the sharpness. I think the edge gets sharper when you move from the hair just making a sound to catching and popping
    - to see I have the same level of sharpness from heel to toe

    Maybe with more experience I'll learn to go more by feel. At this stage I find it helps me get consistent results.

    I don't think though that only because it passes the HHT it means it's going to be a smooth shaver.

  7. #27
    Texas Guy from Missouri LarryAndro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Yes, this HHT topic comes up regularly. Just like "my razor is dull" threads, or a host of other often repeated questions. Even though other threads exist about the HHT, I speak up because I think it a valuable conversation for new newbies.

  8. #28
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryAndro View Post
    Yes, this HHT topic comes up regularly. Just like "my razor is dull" threads, or a host of other often repeated questions. Even though other threads exist about the HHT, I speak up because I think it a valuable conversation for new newbies.
    I speak up to help ensure the thread keeps going and gets noticed by Glen
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  9. #29
    Senior Member xMackx's Avatar
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    I get more information by feel of the blade, I wash my hands to wash away any dead skin. Makes my fingers more sensitive, if the edge grabs my finger with a light touch I get a certain feel that has always ran more true than any test.

  10. #30
    ace is offline
    Senior Member blabbermouth ace's Avatar
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    There's good information on the HHT in the Wiki:

    Hanging Hair Test, from trick to probing method - Straight Razor Place Wiki

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