The first stone I bought just over 3 years ago was a Belgian Blue Whetstone ("BBW"). I didn't know of SRP neither did I have any knowledge of available honing options save for the marketing literature thereof on the vendor's website.

It worked for me then and it would still work for me now. Would I advise that you go and get one? No. It is not the best option for edge maintenance neither is it the most user friendly nor is it the cheapest.

I have one and never use it. I hardly ever use my coticule, so that speaks volumes about what I think of the BBW having become more experienced with hones. I am an advocate of naturals for edge maintenance and use mainly Eschers and vintage Thuringians, which are the essentially the same thing. I no longer view the BBW as a finisher or touch-up hone in light of the latter and see it as a sharpening stone.

Get a Norton 4/8 or a Naniwa 3/8. You'd need a lapping stone. Or get a vintage Thuringian. Coticules are a bit more iffy - as I find that objective instructions on their use regarding edge maintenance are less applicable. You really need to know how to use each one for they are less consistent that the aforementioned.

Don't learn the hard way. If you go on to, and likely will, acquire other stones, it is likely that your BBW will be rendered useless, whereas should you become proficient with a Norton and go onto purchase a finer finishing hone to complement it, you will still have a useful sharpening stone and a more complete progression.