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Thread: The there should be a slurry stone thread

  1. #1
    Senior Member xMackx's Avatar
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    Default The there should be a slurry stone thread

    Well I was just looking at slurry stones and the different types, and using different slurry stones with different stones is a way to get a different edge in many differentials. So my question is, if a nagura stone works well with a lot of different stones wont my Chinese 12k slurry stone work similar? Say whatever you like about the mythical slurry stone!

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Here is a good starting point then you need to expand from there

    Mainaman/Stefan did a great thread and vid on Nagura slurry that you should read and watch too

  3. #3
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    First you need to differentiate between Nagura stone and slurry stone. Nagura stones are mined in Japan and are used mainly on Japanese natural stones, as progression of grits, or in sword polishing as full sized stones.
    Slurry stone is in general a stone used to produce slurry on a base stone or slurry from the base stone.
    A slurry stone will act differently depending on how hard it is compared to the base stone. A slurry stone will produce slurry form the base stone if the base stone is softer, or it will release slurry if the base stone is harder. Depending on the quality of the slurry stone it may or may not be useful to use its own slurry for honing. The way to find out what works and what does not is to experiment.

    Many synthetics come with dressing stones, those are used primarily for cleaning up the surface of the stone when it loads with swarf, and secondly to raise slurry. For me a true slurry synthetic stone, would be a piece cut off the same stone. I have a few of those.

  4. #4
      Lynn's Avatar
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    I would say try what ever you want to try and see what the results are for you.

    I have used a generic nagura or rubbing stone on all my naturals doing the one stone honing process going from a thick slurry down to water progression. This has actually worked pretty well. I have used the same nagura to build a slurry on a barber hone and it worked pretty well there too. I have tried using the Japanese Nagura following Stefan's video and these work nicely as well.

    Now as far as slurry on synthetic stones, I have never been a fan. Tried it hundreds of times with DMT's, the rubbing stones that come with some of the stones and even the generic nagura and really have never been able to better my results from just using the stone by itself. The consistency and reliability of many of the 1K, 3,4 or 5K's, 8K and finishing stones have simply worked better for me without any kind of intentionally made slurry.

    Never enough experimentation.

    Have fun.
    Disburden, jeness and xMackx like this.

  5. #5
    Hones/Honing/Master Barber avatar1999's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Mainaman/Stefan did a great thread and vid on Nagura slurry that you should read and watch too
    Any idea where this video is located? I'm having trouble finding it...

  6. #6
    zib is offline
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    I've used the Chinese 12k slurry on an Escher with good results. If the slurry stone is softer, than you have slurry from the slurry stone, If the host hone is softer, than you get slurry from the host hone...A well broke in DMT C works well to produce slurry.

    I've also played around with Coticules and Belgian Blue slurry, and Coti slurry on a BBW.

    The J nats and Nagura and Tomonagura have endless combonations.

    I've also used Crox liquid (sold at SRD) on a 12k stone from Hong Kong, similar to the Phig or Chinese 12k.
    That worked well too. Diamond spray would also work....

    Like Lynn said, Experimentation....

    P.S. Stefan's video is on youtube. type in Mainaman.
    Last edited by zib; 01-13-2012 at 02:58 AM.
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    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by avatar1999 View Post
    Any idea where this video is located? I'm having trouble finding it...
    here is the thread I made about it

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  10. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth nicknbleeding's Avatar
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    I use my Naguras on my C12K with great results

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