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Thread: Shun/Kai 300/1k

  1. #11
    Modine MODINE's Avatar
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    I noticed the cut resistant glove. Do you hone with gloves on?

  2. #12
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    Not honing but when I'm polishing by hand with Mothers. The hand holding the blade is bare but the hand holding the rag and working the polish on the blade is gloved. Probably not needed but they weren't expensive, cheap protection
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  3. #13
      Lynn's Avatar
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    I agree that the wear on the spine does not appear to be uneven. Key would be as stated, getting the bevel set and then moving to your 4K/8K. So long as the razor is laying flat on the hone, I would try doing circles with the razor at a 45 degree angle to set the bevel followed by some X strokes at the same 45 degree angle. Once a razor has been polished or buffed, it usually takes some extra circles to bring the bevel back, so a layer of tape is not a bad idea on this razor. Once you have the bevel set to where it is biting sharp on the thumb pad, then you are ready to move on. I would stay with the 45 degree angle strokes on your 4K/8K progression as well and you should be good to go.

    Have fun.

  4. #14
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    So after the razor burn healed from the WB, I decided that perhaps starting with something a little less complex was called for. A recent buy was a Christensen 5/8 in pretty decent shape. With a clean blade and a decent edge that had minor pitting and some lateral scratches, it seemed like a more straightfoward task. The DMT 325 arrived so I started with this to get rid of the pits and scratches instead of the Shun. Once that was completed, I noticed that the edge now pretty course with chips. I ran the edge over a small piece of luan since I had no cork available which cleaned those up. Then I started on the 1K, then the 4k, 8k with slurry, 8k without slurry and then some diamond paste paddles.

    To make a long story short, today I had a good shave from my first successful honing and the razor is in the rotation. Thanks for everyone's help as the advice was invaluable. When I have a little time, the WB will be brought out again and I'll have another try at it. Thank you all very much.

    What I don't understand is how the honemiesters make any money at honing. That took me about six hours to get satistified with it, removing scratches and getting the bevel even on one side and then getting it to match on the other side. Talk about a break even proposition.

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