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Thread: Thuringian Beautys

  1. #41
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Got some new stones today...

    All the stones are vintage Thuringian be fair i expected a bit bigger size...there all around 11,5 x 2,5cm...however i really like the stones which are comparable to the stone i showed with the cutted corners...

    It seems to be that the stones are from that greyish layer which is a bit harder then a light green or yellow green is the stone with cutted edges:

    All stones:

    Five of them are "special" ones, some are clouded thuris:


  2. #42
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    So here is my submission of a cloudy thurgian

    Name:  IMG_2004.jpg
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    Now for the kicker, say what you will... But this is who I got it from

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    I read so much negative about this vender and the lack of quality that I wasn't expecting much. Well I read it after I bought it and was having buyers remorse. Today it is working just fine.
    Your only as good as your last hone job.

  3. #43
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Default Thuringian Beautys

    Looks nice but iam not convinced about the quality of the stone itself, do you own any vintage thuringian stones, or any of the labelled ones ? (Escher, Karl Bracher, Celebrated Water Hone, etc.)...if so have you compared the stones?

    I know that these MST Stones were compared with other vintage ones, the particle size is less fine...i have to admit i never bought one of those MST stones and never could test one!!

    That has nothing "too big" to mean as the stones might be still fine enough for shure to finish a razor on them....
    Last edited by doorsch; 11-07-2014 at 08:45 AM.

  4. #44
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    You can certainly finish a razor on the MST stones. It takes some practice and patience. I had one, and it had some pyrite inclusions which were noticeable when honing. I didn't want to bother, but it would not be that much work to dig out a small inclusion like that.
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  5. #45
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magpie View Post
    You can certainly finish a razor on the MST stones. It takes some practice and patience. I had one, and it had some pyrite inclusions which were noticeable when honing. I didn't want to bother, but it would not be that much work to dig out a small inclusion like that.
    Sir ,
    Thank-you for your order of operation on how to lap and polish a stone. It was not in good condition.No it was 1/8" out of square side to side. After DMT325 for hours ,I remembered your power sander comment. A random orbit 80grit took care of it in quick order. I kept looking for pyrite, or my idea of it based on pictures. I looked for shiny flecks. Cloudy side kept increasing in depth with each layer removed. Choose that side and polished with 2K. Then the depth of the stone started deepening and slurry stayed light grey and slimy as compared to my coticule slippery feeling.
    If I had just presented this stone it appears similar to others of its class.
    I think it works but after coming off of my coticule and using only a loupe. I dont know what to look for. 2 questions

    1) how can I do a scratch pattern test the simple method if there is one? What do I look for?
    2) using only a BBW I dont see a scratch pattern, after the thuringian I only see shinier no scratch pattern, am I missing something?
    Short answer got a great shave. Short of a microscope or comparing to a labeled one without my admission of the box I believe I just got a good one.
    Your only as good as your last hone job.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by doorsch View Post
    Five of them are "special" ones, some are clouded thuris:

    would you happen to know what's the inclusion in the middle one? The cloudy thuris do look eerily similar to the local stones I'm testing.

  7. #47
    Senior Member doorsch's Avatar
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    Default Thuringian Beautys

    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelP View Post

    would you happen to know what's the inclusion in the middle one? The cloudy thuris do look eerily similar to the local stones I'm testing.
    Michael, there are many possibilities what the inclusions could be...i think these yellow ones could be some remainings of plants but iam uncertain...probably Peter will read here and can post some more information if he knows what these might was already a interesting post about inclusions:

    The first picture is from my bouts which is a remaining of a plant...

    Last edited by doorsch; 11-07-2014 at 08:40 PM.
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  8. #48
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    Funny story, one of my eNats I recently cut has what looks like a baby frog fossil in it! I will post a pic later, but in the meantime I can tell you - Kermit does not hone very well, lol.

  9. #49
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    Here you go:

    Name:  IMG_20141107_173549891_HDR.jpg
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  10. #50
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Looks like a frog to me
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