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Thread: usb microscope

  1. #1
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    Default usb microscope

    i picked up one of the ebay $20 direct from hong kong 200x usb microscopes. the thing works, and makes the faults in your honing inescapable. basically it's a webcam with a closeup lens. some observations:

    the software that comes with it works, sort of. there are 2 applications- one is straightforward webcam software with an image grab function. the other is that, plus a simple graphics toolbox allowing you to mark up the image with dimensions and notes. all good, but it doesn't recognize the microscope. however, it is happy to mark up images made by the simpler webcam software, so really a small inconvenience. unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a way to get the markup program to allow dimensions below .001", about an order of magnitude too coarse for things like grading stones or measuring the deviation from straight of an edge honed at 3000 grit. the optics can do better than that- at 200x 1/10000" is 2.4 pixels across.
    I spent some time looking for better software. this unit appears to be sold rebranded with various labels at prices varying from $60 or so up to $200 or so, mostly looking exactly like the one I bought. some of them use the same software, some use what appears to be somewhat customized versions of the same software, and some have what look like custom software. unfortunately, I could not get any of the alternate software to recognize the cam.
    so, as an inspection scope it works just fine, but the markup functions are probably not going to be useful to me.

    the base supplied with it seems to be designed for use with something flat that the unit is sitting on top of. keeping a razor in focus at 200x is a challenge. I am in process of building a base from parts salvaged from an antique overhead projector. the result should be satisfyingly steampunk.
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  2. #2
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    heh. told it to measure in microns and now it will go as small as I can see. 1 micron is approximately 1 pixel, so that works out well.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Double0757's Avatar
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    I'm subscribing, just want to see your images when you post them! Looks like for $20.00 you can't go wrong! Double O

  4. #4
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    first, the scope:

    Name:  tumblr_mht3d7CyXR1qhrm32o1_1280.jpg
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    Name:  tumblr_mht3d7CyXR1qhrm32o2_1280.jpg
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    a correction- the mechanism came from a photo enlarger that belonged to my grandparents, not an overhead projector. the scope has a field of view at 200x of about .060". this means that to inspect the entirety of a 3" edge requires 50 separate shots. this is too many pictures for my purposes, so I'm generally looking for shots of the biggest defects.

    the razors:
    I ordered 3 gold dollars (chinese razors, about 13/16) to practice on. I also have 2 vintage razors that are my current users. I'll call them hartford and merit

    I'll try to post some pics of the edges. the scope makes .bmp images, which are too big to upload here directly and aren't an allowable filetype on tumblr, where I usually host images. so I'll have to figure something else out.

  5. #5
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    first round of pics...
    the gold dollars, as they came out of the box:
    Name:  gd1 as found8 heel.jpg
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  6. #6
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    Default more pics

    my 2 current vintage users:
    Name:  hartford heel1.jpg
Views: 844
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  7. #7
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    seems to be a limit to how many pics in a post.

  8. #8
    Chat room is open Piet's Avatar
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    Your stand reminds me I really need to make a custom stand for my USB microscope

    Those edges on the GDs are horrible, but your vintage razors are not that great either. They seem honed on finishers but they have microchipping. I would take them all to a bevelsetter.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Double0757's Avatar
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    I'm wondering what those holes on your vintage come from? Micro pitting!? Double O
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  10. #10
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Double0757 View Post
    I'm wondering what those holes on your vintage come from? Micro pitting!? Double O
    Pits in the edge will definitely chip out like that.
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