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Thread: What Finishing Stone to Buy

  1. #1
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    Default What Finishing Stone to Buy

    Hi All,

    I am planning on switching soon from a Shavette to a real straight. Since my first straight razor (or razors) will be professionally honed, I am wondering about what type of finishing stone would be appropriate to maintain the edge. Would a 4000/8000 grit Norton or a 12,000 grit stone work? In particular, I was looking at the 12,000 grit stone sold by Classic Shaving (Natural Polishing Water Stone (12,000 Grit)), has anyone had experience with this particular stone? Any input is much appreciated.


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    A very usual recommendation is the Naniwa 12K, which I have, and haven't been very happy with. I've been reading a lot of people recently saying they prefer the Naniwa 10K to the 12K, so I wonder what people will be saying in answer to your question.

    Me, I've been using a King 8000 gold stone, and have been preferring it to the 12K. By finishing using a very light stropping motion (backstroke) on the completely dry 8000 I've been getting better results than with the 12K Naniwa, and quicker.

    I haven't found happiness with the Chinese stone you link to, but I'm still working on that one, and have some hope for it. So far I'm finding mine works best if I use it between the 8000 wet and the 8000 dry. People seem to have reported variable results with it, depending on the particular stone they get.
    Last edited by mdarnton; 04-12-2013 at 12:31 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    I don't own one, but that is a natural and I've heard around here that there is significant variation from stone to stone. If you're looking for something just to maintain an edge on, the Naniwa 12k may be a decent option.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Lemur's Avatar
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    Try and find a local "honing friend".
    Start of with known synthetics to be able to get good and proper help.
    Don't be afraid to mess up, we've all done it.


    Go for a Nakayama Iwasaki choice, they're lovely even tho I can't afford to use it right now, it's expensive to having rainwater shipped from Japan!
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    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Kind of a tricky question to try and answer. I guess it really depends on how far the edge has deteriorated. If nothing serious happens to the blade like getting it chipped you should be able to get away with something like a Nani 12K or even a Crox pasted balsa strop for quite a long while. As a finisher I have found the my Zulu Grey stone gives a smoother edge than my Nani 12 K and use that for touch ups when needed.

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    The line goes out the door and around the block. Ive used 12k cnat and 12k naniwa and 1 micron dia film(14k equivalent). I got rid of the 12k cnat. You could definitely shave off the 8 side of a norton 4/8k and use pasted strops to refine it further if you wish. Ive shaved off the 8k many times. Although not lately since I have the film and the naniwa 12k. And then there are naturals that i know nothing about except the cnat. I went to the store to buy my wife socks ONCE! Never again, too many choices, so I guess thats what we are dealing with here.

  7. #7
    zib is offline
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    There's a lot of choices when it comes to finishers. If your new to honing, I'd go with a synthetic hone, and get proficient with that before I'd venture into naturals. That Chinese 12k, or Natural wet stone at Classic, is also available at Woodcraft. They're not bad. A slurry helps out a lot. They're slow, and they do vary from stone to stone, but they all work. The Naniwa 12k, synthetic, is good too.

    What you might want to try is a Barber's hone. I used one for about a year to maintain about 10 razors with great success. I would do about 3-5 swipes on each blade every other shave with that blade, so every 20 days. I saw no hone wear, and every razor stayed shave ready. I used a Swaty.

    These days I have and use an Escher. It's great for touch ups. They are expensive, but worth it.
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  8. #8
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Buy Natural Water Stone 8 x 2-3 4 x 1-1 4 at Woodcraft

    And there is a smaller version for less

    Ebay is even cheaper... Make no mistake these are all the same stone, we call them PHIG's the 12,ooo grit is at best a guess, watchout on e-bay the grit numbers get even more ridicules...

    PHIG = People's Hone of Indeterminate Grit...

    Here is a thread we did a few years back about them

    As to which to buy I wouldn't advise anything as of yet, get your new razor ask the guy that honed it to tell you what he used at least between Synthetic vs Natural then see what you think...
    To buy a hone without even experiencing a SR shave yet is putting the cart before the horse
    Last edited by gssixgun; 04-12-2013 at 02:29 PM.
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  10. #9
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    I strongly recommend the Zulu Grey from SRP member MichaelC. It has put a very keen and SMOOTH edge on each type of razor that I use; German, British, and Swedish steel, as well as different grinds -- 1/2, 1/4, and full hollows.
    I do,however, finish on the Zulu after a progression from Belgian Blue coticule, Belgian Yellow coticule, and a purple Lynn Melynllyn.
    For me, progression has been very important-- because its like Pop always said, "You can't polish a turd," and your finisher is really just a polisher.
    Hope this helps!

    Welcome to the SRP, good luck, have fun, and enjoy the experience!

    Footnote: As a beginner you can always follow gssixgun's advice-- I did and it worked for me.
    Last edited by PickleTruck; 04-12-2013 at 02:54 PM.
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  11. #10
    Senior Member Airportcopper's Avatar
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    I'm fairly new also to the whole sr game, I have actually gotten pretty ok at honing with lots of pratice and time behind the hones reading etc.. I just got my nani 12 k and can't say anything bad about it.. All my honing was done with a king 1 k for bevel then the norton 4 /8 then was just diamond spray and the strops to finish with the nani I went back and touched up a lot of razors I just finished honing.. All I can say is wow it smoothed up my shaves significantly.. It's priced right alot of guys have them so lots of,info...

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