Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
I don't know. The kind of slurry you get is more a function of the hardness of the hone in relation to the hardness of the slurry stone. If you press harder you will pulverize the particles more and get a finer sorting and more of it. Press lightly and you should get less slurry material and coarser material.

That makes sense to me anyway.
I'm not sure at all what really happens, just know that to hard pressure will mess it it up.
Usually I make it with very little pressure, it takes time but the result is almost always good.
On the hard jnats, 5+ things, I can sit for minutes making slurry, if I press it to go faster it sometimes make a sound like a train wreck and it's all ruined.
Scratches on the hone and a bad slurry, friction is the only culprit I can think of (if I don't know I messed up and tilted a corner of the slurry stone down the hone).

After the slurry making part I sometimes work the slurry with the slurry stone or a piece of scarp steel to make it finer, then I'm sure it's like you describe it, and of course the slurry get worked even more when honing.

I believe the thing that can mess it up are not coarse or fine slurry but lumps of stone breaking free that don't belong in any slurry.