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Thread: My progression is not working

  1. #1
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    Default My progression is not working

    I tried this Q on the main forum but apparently hi-jacked anothers. So For example, I just bought New Dovo Bismarck, reasonably sharp, but not quite there. Q.1 Do I simply try it on an 8K for several strokes? Q.2 Do I go right back to the 1K and re-set the bevel, go through the progression 1k,4k,6k,8k, 10k. (Naniwa SS).

    Answer 1. I blunted it worse on the 8k, probably due to excessive pressure. I keep getting in strife when I go from a set hair chopping 6k, to a dull 8K, pointless 10K.
    Answer 2, I'm going from a set bevel TPT lovely, then my enemy the 8K, no matter how light I go, and I really go light, it bloody dulls it.

    I'm really open to suggestion....Slurry, pressure, I'm frustrtated, I've watched every video ever made and still I manage to root things up. So my Q is Bevel set hair chopping 6k to the 8 light strokes on the 8k and I'm headed back to the 6k. Why?

  2. #2
    No that's not me in the picture RoyalCake's Avatar
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    I'm no authority, but just to let you know that I was having a similar issue on my 12k, and when a friend went over it found that the edge was not perfectly beveled. You could take your fingernail and run it along the edge and feel a couple rough spots that may have well been destroying the edges.
    Just food for thought.
    I love living in the past...

  3. #3
    Senior Member deepweeds's Avatar
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    This is probably too obvious, but if the 8k keeps letting you down, you've checked that it's lapped flat?
    Keep your pivot dry!

  4. #4
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    Thanks guys, I'll review the system. We all know there is nothing wrong with a naniwa SS 8k and 10K, so it has to be me, someone hit me with a dead fish!

  5. #5
    Poor Fit
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    A properly set bevel is very important...if it's not set then you're just polishing a turd. Do you have any magnification? If you do then you'll be able to see if the edge is kind of shiny...if it is then the bevel is not set. You can also see by holding the razor by the tang and turning it left to right...a good bevel will appear dull and shiny spots reveal an unfinished bevel.

    Another thing that may be helpful is to know where you're from...there may be someone close by who could help you

  6. #6
    Bladesmith by Knight Adam G.'s Avatar
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    Been there. All the answers above a correct.
    1, lap all your stones. I do this after every honing session.
    2. Colour the edge of the razor with a marker. Try a half dozen no pressure strokes on your bevel setting stone, then look at it under magnification. A magnifying glass, loupe, etc. Ensure all the marker is being removed easily all the way along the edge and all the way across it. Whenever I had the same symptoms it was always that the bevel was not 100% set correctly. It should shave arm or leg hair along the full length of the blade at the 1K level. After that is all no pressure polishing on the finer hones.
    3. Believe in yourself. A lot (maybe most) new factory razors seem to be sharpened on a powered wheel. Many do not have the bevel fully set. All benefit from hand honing. The Naniwa are good stones, as you said.
    YOU can do this. Don't forget to breathe. Once you get it, you will be chuffed. Then you will want to do it again and again. Hoping for you.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Adam G. For This Useful Post:

    deepweeds (02-10-2014)

  8. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catrentshaving View Post
    A properly set bevel is very important...if it's not set then you're just polishing a turd.
    "...if it's not set then you're just polishing a turd." I should make this my signature.
    Last edited by Steel; 02-10-2014 at 10:30 PM. Reason: Whenever I have a problem it is usually related to pressure.
    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

  9. #8
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Naniwa SS hones have a tendency to fool ya in the middle when testing, they polish so well that often the tests that pass on other hones will fail on the Naniwas for certain people..

    I noticed this when I first bought them, I couldn't get the middle sharpness tests to pass, bevel was solid and then I moved up everything would fail back to the beginning again .. Finally I just pushed through and did everything without any more tests after I knew the bevel was solidly set, Bam great shave and I learned I could not trust my sharpness tests with the Naniwa SS..
    The edge they produce is excellent so I just learned to deal with the fact in the middle my sharpness tests could not be trusted and I only use my Bevel tests and a Shave test..

    This may or may not be the issue but it is worth a shot if you feel confident with your bevel set, BTW you should read this thread

    I am sure you will figure it all out

  10. #9
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    I would say that as a new (or new to you) razor you HAVE to go back to the bevel setting stage (unless you were smart enough to send it out to be honed by a reputable honer). Only after the bevel is properly set do you need to worry about the rest of it.
    The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

  11. #10
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    Thanks Glen, this makes perfect sense, I have gone through the progression and simply ignored the tests, then after 24 hours (Whilst I cooled down) I got a lovely shave from the apparent 'Dull' blade. This happened a couple of times, but because it didn't pass the HHT I went back (Unnecessarily) to the hones. Learn something new every day. Thanks guys. (These were all Dovos's)
    gssixgun likes this.

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