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Thread: Uneven spine wear causing problems setting bevel

  1. #21
    Tradesman s0litarys0ldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cangooner View Post
    Have you tried a shave test? HHT is only a useful guide if it's been calibrated, etc., and for some folks (and this includes myself) it seems to be completely useless! It works great for some, but not for all and I never use it. Glen has a shave test video out there somewhere. I'll find a link...

    EDIT: here you go
    The shave test went horribly. Usually I can get a nice comfortable shave off my normal bevel set and then unicot method. Not so much after i decided to use the rolling x's. Even after two passes on the cheek WTG and XTG I can still feel stubble which never happens. So it is boggling my mind a bit but its using a different stroke with which I am not comfortable with. I did watch Glen's video yesterday while i was honing. I just finished my honing for the night now and will get a christmas eve shave tomorrow morning and see how its going. If all else fails I'm going to have to look into another method to accomplish a shave ready edge... The wait.... Merry Christmas BTW.

  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    It is not always easy to get a great shave. Sometimes we have to go back and forth a few times. I think I am about 400ish razors in and think I have a ways to go yet before I'm in the pro category. However with every blade I learn a little. It does become more clear and easier to trouble shoot our issues as time passes along. That razor has enough issues in the geometry to make it a good challenge even for someone with a bit of experience. When you get this one done to your satisfaction you will have made a giant step. It is ok to put it aside and come back to it later.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

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