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Thread: My First Self-Honed Razor

  1. #1
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Default My First Self-Honed Razor

    Well, I finally gave up practising on the GDs and decided to try honing my freshly arrived I.Barber Anchor razor.

    I used Lynn's 4/8k circle method and had to set the bevel. I did not use tape, am thinking I may do so next time. The razor has no hone wear, and for all my looking at the edge in the loupe, has never been honed.

    On a soft metal GD, this was a piece of cake, went exactly like Lynn demonstrates in his video. Then 8k, then 12k, then onto my Escher.

    With this old Sheffield steel, it was quite a struggle to get the bevel set - the steel was very hard. I'm pretty certain the geometry was a bit off, having to focus separately on both the toe and the heel. It took me 4 attempts with pressure, on the 4k to get a very thin bevel. I'm sure I could do better on both the heel and the toe. There is also one minor microscopic chip at the toe that the 4k didn't do much against.

    What I found interesting was that I knew I had "got something" when suddenly the blade starting "sticking" to the stone, I remembered that was a good sign, so after I completed the circles with pressure, I backed off and completed the light circles then X strokes on the 4k then went up the ladder to complete the sequence.

    So, I have ordered a Naniwa 1k, am I right in thinking that it's a lot of work to set a bevel on a 4k or is it just my inexperience, and after having read about the DMT 325 plate (which I have), don't think I'm going to bevel set on that har har.(even though there is an interesting old thread on doing exactly that!)

    Anyhow, just had a shave with it, and it was great, can't believe I did it. But the one thing that has definitely hit home for me is all the work really does happen at the bevel setting stage, and am wondering if I should redo the bevel when the 1k gets here?

    SRP is truly a great resource, Glen, watched a few of your video's on finishing, very helpful, it's hard to believe so few strokes on the finishers are required (Shapton 30k)! And Lynn's circle method seemed to be easy enough for a beginner like me to get something "shave ready".

    Gotta admit it, never thought I'd get here, that honing your own blade really does feel great and hugely worthwhile taking your time and learning - thanks SRP!

    Here's a pic of my first shave with a razor I honed myself!

    I.Barber Anchor Razor.

    Name:  SOTD-IBARBERANCHOR20150108.jpg
Views: 404
Size:  32.2 KB

  2. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Phrank For This Useful Post:

    ChopperDave (01-29-2015), Haroldg48 (01-08-2015), nipper (01-08-2015), Steel (01-08-2015)

  3. #2
    Senior Member Walterbowens's Avatar
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    Congratz!! That is just awesome!!! What makes it better is you did it yourself!!
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    Phrank (01-08-2015)

  5. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    Thanks Phrank...I've been trying get my nerve up on one of mine. I have the stones but not the "stones" so far.
    nipper, Maladroit and Phrank like this.
    Just call me Harold
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    Phrank (01-08-2015)

  7. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Way to go. Isn't that just a great feeling to have done it yourself for the first time.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

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    Phrank (01-08-2015)

  9. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Well done phrank, it is a bit nerve wracking taking a razor that you like to the hones for the first time. I recently touched up the razor Bruno made as there seemed to be a small chip in the edge, i had never noticed it, but i was noticing the shaves were a bit off, i was pretty apprehensive due to the big smile but it went really well.

    I am glad you have taken the plunge, i remember you mentioning some time ago that you had the gear.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

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  11. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Chevhead's Avatar
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    Nothing like shaving with a razor that YOU honed yourself!
    MJC and Siguy like this.


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    Phrank (01-08-2015)

  13. #7
    Senior Member nipper's Avatar
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    Great stuff Phrank! Gives one a good feeling of self achievement.

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    Phrank (01-08-2015)

  15. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    Ahh the joys of honing different steels
    Don't you love the old wedges for honing, They seem to take me ages also on the Nani 1k let alone a 4k,
    This is were I think the Chosera would make up the price difference to the Naniwa SS
    Great to hear you are off to a good start but
    The fun is now trying to get them as good as the others you have
    to shave another day.

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to Substance For This Useful Post:

    Phrank (01-08-2015)

  17. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Congratulations Phrank!! A 4k (although obviously can be done) is a lot of work and can be more opportunity for a mis-stroke. I think a 1K is a great idea. I remember thinking "Well I can hone a GD with all the issues now the real deal should be a walk in the park" then I found out that the older ones can have just as many issues! Still, it is worth the trouble to hone your own Sheffield and then take it to your face and get a good shave. Just something about the accomplishment. That's why I love honing whether it is a knife, tool, or razor. It is very satisfying (and addicting. shhhh)

    Once again, Congratulations!!!
    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

  18. The Following User Says Thank You to Steel For This Useful Post:

    Phrank (01-08-2015)

  19. #10
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steel View Post
    Congratulations Phrank!! A 4k (although obviously can be done) is a lot of work and can be more opportunity for a mis-stroke. I think a 1K is a great idea. I remember thinking "Well I can hone a GD with all the issues now the real deal should be a walk in the park" then I found out that the older ones can have just as many issues! Still, it is worth the trouble to hone your own Sheffield and then take it to your face and get a good shave. Just something about the accomplishment. That's why I love honing whether it is a knife, tool, or razor. It is very satisfying (and addicting. shhhh)

    Once again, Congratulations!!!
    You must have been there in spirit with me last night - 2am, couldn't sleep, decided to go for it...and I thought exactly the same as you!

    Also remembered another worthy adage from the forums...know when to walk away. After I'd honed it, shaved arm hair no problem, felt fine, I just wasn't happy with the bevel. So went onto SRP and found the thread, "Setting a Bevel with a DMT 325", came within a inch of heading back downstairs, and I heard voices calling from SRP, "Phrank, just back the ferk away and go to bed!"
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