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Thread: I just don't understand.....

  1. #1
    Senior Member Txshooter38's Avatar
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    Default I just don't understand.....

    how my first honing session could have gone as well as it did. I recent purchased a naniwa chosara 1k and norton 4/8k to go with my naniwa 12k. I bought three ebay specials being very careful to examine (as best you can) for hone wear, frowns and heavy restoration jobs. I really want to learn how to hone. How can I help anyone in my area in person if I cant? The blade was the first thing I ruined when I started shaving. (Bad stropping)

    I received a union cutlery, geneva and jefferson razor. All looked pretty good but after inspecting the edges I went for a bevel set on each with tape.

    It is worth mentioning that I SUCK at sharpening knives....I mean bad. The razors took some of what I have always struggled with (angle) out of the picture.

    With the help of the jewelers loop and EVERY video/thread from Lynn, Gssixgun, Utopian, and all of you guys I have three shaving razors. No tugs, no fuss, just awesome. How did people learn to SR shave without the internet!

    As you all can tell I am having a hard time believing it....I am so stoked I just had to share and say thank you to all of you all who take time to help. What an amazing thing. I know there will be struggles as the learning curve takes off but I am so stoked to get out of the gate with a win. I really do think the razors I got were in really good shape and that helped. Two more razors on the way! HAD and RAD in full swing!
    Go find an adventure.....

  2. #2
    Senior Member feltspanky's Avatar
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    Congratulations on your honing success. Great forum with wonderful members, always willing to help an answer questions.
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  3. #3
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Txshooter38 View Post
    How did people learn to SR shave without the internet!
    Well, I bought about 10 dull razors, a decent old strop, a Carborundum 102, and a Swaty. Then I honed and tried to shave and honed and tried to shave and honed and tried to shave and honed and tried to shave.

    Eventually I shaved. About 5 years later I found SRP and have been learning how to hone ever since.

    Congrats on the success with the honing and shaving!!!

  4. #4
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Good going! I am the same on knives. Notso good!
    Much like Utopian, I learned on a few barber's hones and a pasted strop and did pretty well after a while. But until I learned from Lynn's video and eventually here, I found that I was spending too much time on variables. Much easier and consistent now using mostly exactly what stones you described.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Glad you got a good shaver. I hope you find progress and continued success. the more you hone the easier the principals are to practice. Happy shaving.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member stove's Avatar
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    Congrats! Doesn't it feel good to shave with one you honed?
    I think in the old days, people went to the local barber for advice and to get razors honed.
    Now we just risk divorce (or celibacy) and spend all of our free time on SRP and You tube!
    rlmnshvstr8 likes this.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Txshooter38's Avatar
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    It feels great to shave with my own edge for sure. I found that I used techniques from both Lynn and Gssixgun at different times during the honing.

    After my first attempt I now understand why they both say the numbers are just for has to feel right/push the water right/etc.

    Gssixgun....I forgot what you called it...i think you said "japanese style stroke that looks like it is straight but is not" in your video really worked well for me when I was trying to finish the bevel. It is like half an x stroke that you back up and repeat without lifting the blade...very useful!

    Thank you all again and I promise I will be back on with more questions soon. More razors out there to tend to!!!
    Go find an adventure.....

  8. #8
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    Congratulations on your early success. It feels great to hit those honing milestones and remember them when you hit the honing WALLS.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Congrats. Hope that the success continues
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  10. #10
    Senior Member 2Sharp's Avatar
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    I think many new Straight Razor Shavers are like I was. IMPATIENT. I wanted to hone today and shave tomorrow. You can speed it up by getting a shave ready razor but you still have to learn to shave. Learning to shave takes time and so does learning to hone. We are lucky to have this community to guide the grasshoppers on their journey. I am glad I found it and look at all the money you have saved. bj
    Txshooter38 likes this.

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