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Thread: Going back to school

  1. #11
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Watching someone hone is like watching someone use a manual tranny in a car. It's instructive but until you are the one operating the clutch you really have no idea. With honing you learn by doing and if you are having trouble try attending a meet or find someone who can show you in person and observe what you are doing.
    bluesman7 likes this.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Watching someone hone is like watching someone use a manual tranny in a car. It's instructive but until you are the one operating the clutch you really have no idea. With honing you learn by doing and if you are having trouble try attending a meet or find someone who can show you in person and observe what you are doing.
    Or you can do what I did,I spent 4 yrs teaching myself to hone, I actually Got pretty good at it but did not enjoy doing it.
    I had all the great hones,sold um and bought 4 of the worlds finest razors with the proceeds plus a Shapton 12K stone.
    Today I just send them to a pro,they come back usually in a week and they are perfectI can keep them going with the Shapton and a CROX paddle for at least two yrs.
    Do not need the consternation and esp do not want to see $1500 worth of rocks sitting on my bench
    Dangerous within 1 Mile

  3. #13
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    Nothing like a pile of old Ebay wedges with a few problems If you can put shave ready edges on those then you are 99% of the way there, plus there's no finer learning tool than Mr repetition forget looking at video's it's like trying to learn how to shave by watching video's you just got to pick up that razor and move it over your face.
    “Wherever you’re going never take an idiot with you, you can always find one when you get there.”

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