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Thread: blade not as sharp after first shave off stones

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euclid440 View Post
    What brand and grind is the razor?
    What is the condition of the spine?
    Was this a touch up or a breadknife/ repair/ re-honing?
    What does the edge look like, when viewed straight down on the edge?

    A photo may help..
    It's a Clauss, if i remember correctly i dulled the edge on a glass, reset the bevel and honed with a taped spine using the pyramid. it took several times of test shaving,and back to the 8k for ten or so laps till i got it to shave the first time. i'll try your suggestion of jointing the edge on a 8k. i assume i should use 2 layers of tape since i used one to start with?

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  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yes, go to 2 layers to increase the angle, you have a nice flat bevel now, so it should take a micro bevel easily.
    Nice razor, Clauss are very nice razors that hold an edge well, I have several and they are one of my favorite brands.

    It does look like a hollow grind, so too much pressure while honing or stropping could be the problem.
    Once you have a good edge on it, see what happens after stropping.

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I've got one razor that acts like that, a kikuboshi phoenix steel, which is puzzling. I still don't know what's wrong with it, none of my others do it. I second the rest of the comments about a second razor because unless you are using trailing strokes with something strong and creating a big foil, the edge should be more durable.

    I used to shave three times with a fresh razor before stropping it a second time, but because I was chasing the edge with oxides down to 0.1 micron and found the edge more comfortable after 3 or 4 shaves. I eventually wised up and went to using no oxides, and just finish off of the stone and then it's exactly what I want - but durable.

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