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Thread: First time lapping a stone and refreshing a blade

  1. #1
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    Default First time lapping a stone and refreshing a blade

    I've owned my 6/8" full-hollow Dovo for ~2 months now, and the deterioration in the quality of the shave was very noticeable over the last week or so. Lots of pulling and tugging, and a pretty uncomfortable experience, so I knew I had to refresh the blade. After lapping two stones (Naniwa 8k and 12k), and refreshing the blade on these, I test-shaved, and am very very pleased with the results. A nice smooth shave, just like the razor was brand new

    I thought I'd share my process with you; not because I think any of you can learn anything from a first-timer, but because you might have a comment on what I did.

    I don't own a flattening stone, so (thanks to advice from another thread) I used a 12"x12" floor tile as a flat surface, and put a sheet of water-proof sandpaper on top.
    1. Put 240 grit sandpaper on the tile and thoroughly soak with water.
    2. Use a black pencil to draw a grid pattern on the top of the 8k Naniwa, and then soak this with water.
    3. Hold the sandpaper down on the tile with one hand, and use the other hand to rub the stone across it. Vary the rubbing pattern frequently.
    4. When the pencil grid lines are gone, repeat the process with the 400 grit paper.

    I don't know if the 240 grit was a good idea, but I thought that it was smart to do this with a new stone. In the future, I'd only use the 400 grit.

    Here's the process I used. I worried that it was a little excessive, but the test-shave reassures me that I didn't do any damage.
    1. Two laps on the 8k.
    2. Wipe the blade clean, and strop 20 times on leather.
    3. Seven laps on the 12k.
    4. Wipe the blade clean, and strop 20 times on leather.
    5. Seven laps on linen with CrOx paste.
    6. Wipe clean, and strop 20 times on leather.
    7. Shave.

    As I said, that seemed a little excessive -- I think I was just keen to use all my new stuff
    I intend to refresh more frequently in the future, so I imagine doing just a CrOx strop once a week (or less), and only going to the stones every couple of months.

    The test shave was great. Three passes, no nicks or cuts or pulling or tugging. Felt like a new razor.

    What do I do with my Naniwas now? Do I have to make sure they're bone dry before I put them away? Do I have to be careful to set them down flat so that they don't warp? Should I lap them every time I refresh the blade?
    Last edited by smolloy; 07-31-2015 at 08:57 PM.

  2. #2
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    I think the progression was off a bit. To refresh a blade I would have used the 12K just a few laps then strop and try. if more is needed go from there. if it needs just a little more than a refresh I would go with the 8K for 5-8 laps then the 12K 5-8 laps then crox and strop and shave. as far as the stones let them dry laying flat then store in a safe place. You have some nice stones. You would have to hone quite a few blades before they should need lapping again. just when your through clean the residue off (the dark color) dry and lay flat. when good and dry store on something flat and out of the way.

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    Ooops! I just noticed a typo in my post. I should have written that I used the 8k first, then the 12k. Sorry!

  4. #4
    Boker Fan wayne394's Avatar
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    As long as the edge is now shaving well for you, then you have achieved the desired result. Congratulations! If the razor just needed a refresh, a few laps on the 12k would have been enough. Then follow your usual stropping routine. As for lapping, I used to use 400 wet and dry on a flat kitchen work surface before I bought a DMT325. It does the trick.

  5. #5
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smolloy View Post
    Ooops! I just noticed a typo in my post. I should have written that I used the 8k first, then the 12k. Sorry!
    My typing has a lot to be desired also. Hunt and peck.

  6. #6
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    I asked a similar question recently. People suggested just 3 passes weekly on the 12k to keep the edge sharp. So far, it has worked very well!

  7. #7
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    You didn't mention if you taped your spine. Always a good idea long term.
    Number of laps. Well see the pyramids.
    Or at least sets of 50. You can do circles for 20 a side, and 30 x-strokes. Strop and try that edge. using just the 12K.
    If that doesnt get you where you want to be drop down to the 8K and do the same amount PLUS repeat on the 12K.
    Reason for this is a smoother shave. You should feel a more comfortable sharp. Lastly you probably know this but blade pressure plays a large role in this process.
    Use just the weight of the blade for the last 30 X-strokes and use water only.
    Most of what we do is test, and test more, then....
    Not using Crox will tell you how well you are honing. Crox imparts a wire brush sharp to the edge. Try it both ways and see if you can feel the facial differnce.
    Your only as good as your last hone job.

  8. #8
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ultrasoundguy2003 View Post
    You didn't mention if you taped your spine. Always a good idea long term.
    Number of laps. Well see the pyramids.
    Or at least sets of 50. You can do circles for 20 a side, and 30 x-strokes. Strop and try that edge. using just the 12K.
    If that doesnt get you where you want to be drop down to the 8K and do the same amount PLUS repeat on the 12K.
    Reason for this is a smoother shave. You should feel a more comfortable sharp. Lastly you probably know this but blade pressure plays a large role in this process.
    Use just the weight of the blade for the last 30 X-strokes and use water only.
    Most of what we do is test, and test more, then....
    Not using Crox will tell you how well you are honing. Crox imparts a wire brush sharp to the edge. Try it both ways and see if you can feel the facial differnce.
    Sorry, but I think that is excessive. For a refresh, probably only about 10 strokes on the 12k is enough. I don't think there would ever be a need to do 50 strokes at the 12k level, at least certainly not on a Naniwa SuperStone 12k.

  9. #9
    MJC is offline
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    I'm in the "less is more" camp when it comes to refresh.

    Keep notes, some kind of log to help you remember what you did - tape, no tape, stone(s) passes. It will help you in the years to come....

    As long as the razor has not been will be amazed at what 8-10 weight of the razor laps on a 12K Nan will do (tapped to match of course)

    When we start out in the way of the Straight we have no way of truly knowing or understanding how important stropping is to edge care...but the better you are at this primary skill the better, and more long lasting, your edge will be.
    After a few years in I happened to pick up one of my first razors and stropped and shaved with it (a 6/8 Chicago Pocket Knife from Larry at Whipped Dog)

    I was amazed, it was wonderful and I realized it was the improved stropping skills that brought the razor back.

    Smooth shaving...
    Last edited by MJC; 08-01-2015 at 04:59 AM. Reason: Typo
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    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    Yes Utopian and MJC are correct with there statements with a 12K Nani.
    I was overthinking the refresh part. Both of their statements should be followed for maximum smoothness of shave.
    Your only as good as your last hone job.

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