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Thread: Honing Mentor in Boston area

  1. #1
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    Boston,MA - Currently Bahrain
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    Default Honing Mentor in Boston area

    Hey all want to be able to completely take care of my razor. Anyone around the Boston area that can show me around? A lot of great info here just a lot of it hard to get stared.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    I,m sure someone will come along to point you in the direction or do a member search for your area. First thing first, learn to shave and strop , that's the most important thing to learn to maintain your razor, by doing that right, your edge will remain shave ready for a long time. In reality all this honing you here about is guys who restore and sell ,collecting or just acquire. If your shaving with the razor it won't see a hone for months f you don't mess it up, hence learn to strop. I've been doing this for over two years, I just shave I don't restore so I've gotten by with just sending a razor out once in a great while and have never honed a razor, it's all in what your looking to do. But learn in the right steps, and learning to shave and strop will give you an idea of how good an edge is. Good luck. Tc
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcrideshd View Post
    I,m sure someone will come along to point you in the direction or do a member search for your area. First thing first, learn to shave and strop , that's the most important thing to learn to maintain your razor, by doing that right, your edge will remain shave ready for a long time. In reality all this honing you here about is guys who restore and sell ,collecting or just acquire. If your shaving with the razor it won't see a hone for months f you don't mess it up, hence learn to strop. I've been doing this for over two years, I just shave I don't restore so I've gotten by with just sending a razor out once in a great while and have never honed a razor, it's all in what your looking to do. But learn in the right steps, and learning to shave and strop will give you an idea of how good an edge is. Good luck. Tc
    I won't be able to send my razor out because I'm going to be delployed next month. That's why I want to get a hone as well to learn. Not to do restores but I know in 6 months time I would need to send it out and want to touch it up. And I would love to find someone near by to show me at least once how to do it. I have a shave ready from whipped dog. Stropping seemed easy on my poor man 2inchc strop until I got my 3inch kangaroo strop. Now the point is grabbing the strop and scratching. How do I do a member search for my location??

  4. #4
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Click "community" on the second row of the toolbar.

    Click "member list" from the drop down menu.

    Click "search members" on the upper right corner of the page.

    Click "advanced search" from the drop down menu.

    Enter your search parameter. Please note that it is not what I would, in my ignorance of computers, call a smart search. That is, if you enter Massachusetts, you will get a different list from if you entered Boston, as it depends on how the member entered their information. In other words, even though members who entered Boston should come up in a search for Massachusetts, they would only come up if they entered their location as Boston Massachusetts.

    It may help to extend your search to neighboring states.

    I am way overdue for another trip to Boston and would love to organize a meet-up there. I know I'm going to a conference there in 2017 but hopefully you can get some help before that.

    How long is your deployment? If you don't get one on one help before you go, please try again when you return. Stay safe.

  5. #5
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    Thank you, going for a year.

  6. #6
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    Here's a list of Mentors
    SRP Staff - Straight Razor Place Forum

  7. #7
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rdefreitas View Post
    Thank you, going for a year.
    I'm not a mentor but if you are not able to find anyone nearby, I will do whatever I can to help you remotely. My wife can arrange Skype sessions for us if that is something that you can do. I'm internet ignorant so I leave that stuff to her. We can do a lot in a month.

    Do you only have one razor? If so what is it?

    If it would help, I could loan you a couple more razors, of comparable size and grind, and a barber hone for the year. I have a soft spot for our military members and would be happy to loan them to you for the year. Just let me know whatever help you may want from me, if any.

  8. #8
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    Thank you.

  9. #9
    pcm is offline
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    If you find anyone in the area, and they want to do a meet up for honing, I'd love to join in. I've been starting to hone a bit and there is a learning curve. I seems like you could get a finishing stone and maybe diamond spray or Cr-ox for a strop and be able to maintain the edge quite a while.

    That coupled with several blades and you could have something that works for a long time. I know I get 40-50 shaves, before needing to use CR-ox. I did do a restore of a vintage blade I bought, but it too a long time and I used a lot of help from the forum. I have another vintage that I'm trying to hone, as it got pretty dull, and several people have been helping from the forum. My other two blades have gone out for pro honing (one of which is ready for a touch up next, once I get the latest honing done).

    I'm clearly no expert, and am learning myself, but if you have questions, I can let you know what I've learned so far (and talk about some of the basics for honing). Feel free to PM me, and we can chat on the phone, Skype, Google talk, etc. I'm an hour away from Boston.
    Last edited by pcm; 01-23-2016 at 01:38 PM.


  10. #10
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    Where about. Anywhere near shrewsbury?

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