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Thread: New TI basic black

  1. #1
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    Default New TI basic black

    Bought a new basic black shave ready tested it and was nearly there, touched it up on 12k and the shave was good but I noticed a flat spot tuce it back to the hone and even with 3 layers of tape this spot will not touch the hone. Any advice ?

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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Where did you purchase it. If SRD it should have been truly shave ready. If The Art of Shaving it only had a factory edge. Was it sold as shave ready? If so, and not from SRD then I would take it back and let them know. If from SRD it should have a certificate for a free hone. Good luck.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gavinshiels View Post
    Bought a new basic black shave ready tested it and was nearly there, touched it up on 12k and the shave was good but I noticed a flat spot tuce it back to the hone and even with 3 layers of tape this spot will not touch the hone. Any advice ?

    Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk

    3 layers of tape will be adding 3 degrees to the bevel which may not be so good...

    But Steve Dempster at Thiers-Issard UK (where I got mine) does hone with one layer unless requested not to IIRC.

    Cheers, Steve

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    I hone without tape just added layers to get it to touch the stone

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    Don't care how it looks wound it be a good idea to put it on the dmt and hone until I can get it to the edge ?

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  6. #6
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Where is the low spot on the blade? Is it on an end or somewhere in the middle? Is there a correspondingly greater degree of removal on the opposite side of the blade?

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    It about 3/4 to the toe. I can see a belly in the spine the bevel is huge and ugly anyhow it's a 7/8

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  8. #8
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    Ah, I have both a 11/16 and a 7/8 Basic Black. The 11/16 is almost perfect, but the the 7/8 has a wide, wavy bevel too. I don't think you will improve the cosmetics of the bevel.

    My 7/8 shaves like a million buck BTW, in spite of that unsightly bevel.

    Cheers, Steve

  9. #9
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gavinshiels View Post
    It about 3/4 to the toe. I can see a belly in the spine the bevel is huge and ugly anyhow it's a 7/8

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    By a "belly in the spine," do you mean a low spot? If you have access to a micrometer or caliper gauge, then you could measure it to confirm. Also, the marker test on both the bevel and the spine might be informative.

    If the spine is narrower there, then that would cause the bevel to be wider across from it and would keep the edge from touching the hone until the bevel is sufficiently worn down. This could be corrected by using a heel forward honing stroke so that the spine closer to the middle of the blade is responsible for the bevel angle at the toe rather than the part of the spine nearer the toe. However, if three layers of tape did not correct the problem in your hands, then I'm not sure the tape will do it either. Sorry, but your best bet might be to send it out to someone with more experience who can evaluate it and correct it.
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  10. #10
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gavinshiels View Post
    Don't care how it looks wound it be a good idea to put it on the dmt and hone until I can get it to the edge ?

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    Not until you are certain of the cause. All you would be able to do would be to grind away the rest of the spine until it matches the toe end, and that is going to result in a "huge" bevel along the rest of the razor too. I would not go with that extreme of a measure unless you are very certain of the cause of the problem first.
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