How on Earth do you find these on facebook?

Well, most everyone came to the same conclusion that I did. Doesn't look like the bevel is meeting. And honestly doesn't even look like it's polished to 4K, much less enough to shave.

Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
Yeah, I think that it is hilarious when people go to extremes with pastes on fancy cloth to show pristinely scratch-free bevels that look beautiful, knowing full well that a few days of real world stropping is going to make that bevel look "real" again.

Another example of that was a knife sharpener guy on facebook bragging up the polished 20k bevel he put on an EDC knife! I cut open boxes, cut rope, and whatever else I need to cut with the knife in my pocket. For that reason, I've never seen any point going higher than 1k on my knife.

Knives and razors first and foremost are tools, and the way that they are sharpened should reflect the purpose for which they are to be used.
Agreed to an extent. My pocket knives are generally cared for on Arkansas stones, so the edge gets pretty wicked IF I have time to go all the way to a translucent. Most days I'll stop on the Hard stone and be happy though. I'll agree that 20K is definitely pointless. The first time you cut anything with that you've more or less ruined half the work you put in to get there. My target is 4-6K, but I like my pocket knives a tad sharper than most.