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Thread: Sticky feeling

  1. #1
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    Default Sticky feeling

    So I've seen videos mentioning it, I've read about it and I've experienced it.

    The feeling of your razor sticking to the stone, or a sticky like resistance whilst honing.

    I have no idea what it is or what causes it and I was wondering if anyone actually does know what's going on there?

    Have you personally experienced it, how did it happen and how did the edge shave?

    I first experienced it while honing on an Escher with slurry, after quite a few dilutions my razor started to stick to the stone, a little at first, but A LOT after a while.
    Strange I thought, but the edge was greatly polished and the shave was very smooth and sharp, almost as if I had reached the maximum from that stone.
    If I stopped when it only started to stick a little the edge wasn't quite as good, but it was still a very good shaving edge.

    I figured to instead do dilutions on the Escher, I'd try to first max out my edge using a Naniwa progression up until the 12K and then to the Escher on plain water without dilutions.
    The razor started to stick not that long after either.

    I've also had it happen on Coticules and again had a great shave when experiencing that sticky feeling.

    Yesterday I honed 4 razors, 2 near wedges and 2 more hollow grinds.
    Bevels were set on a very fast Coticule, then followed a Naniwa progression going from the 5K to the 8K and finished on the 12K.
    I then went to an Escher on plain water and both the near wedges and hollow grinds had that same sticky feeling.
    I finished 1 near wedge and 1 hollow grind on a Coticule afterwards and again, that same sticky feeling.
    Last edited by TristanLudlow; 09-25-2017 at 02:47 PM.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Butzy's Avatar
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    I get this sensation usually when I've maxed out a finishing stone. I have a Japanese that sticks so much that you know you're finished because the razor literally wont move without significant force. That's how I tell she's given her all.
    I've experienced this on coticules as well and definitely on thuringians. I always assumed it was the plane of the bevel having so much contact with the stone that it created that suction. But i'll be eager to see if anyone has a more scientific explanation!
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  4. #3
    Modine MODINE's Avatar
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    In the immortal words of Dr. Peter Venkman, “Back off man, I’m a Scientist”. Attached is just one article on cavitation and the effect of bubble collapse. Or Google Cavitation and surface tension. Mike

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  6. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Rarely felt that sticky sensation so couldn't say how it relates to the condition of the edge. When I do feel it I try and ignore it, yes really.

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  8. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Nope, never felt a razor sucking to a hone. Seems I have read this happening to quarter hollow and near wedge grinds, and I have no experience honing such grinds...yet.
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  9. #6
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    I've had this happen. Much more frequently when honing without tape than with. Glen mentioned it happens when the amount of honewear on the spine matches with the wear on the edge and creates suction.

    As to whether it signifies the stone is maxed out I can't say.
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  10. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Speedster View Post
    Nope, never felt a razor sucking to a hone. Seems I have read this happening to quarter hollow and near wedge grinds, and I have no experience honing such grinds...yet.
    Now that you mention it, I believe it was with the heavier grinds that I sometimes felt it too. Makes sense, less void space to fill with water to create a seal, I suppose.

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  11. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I would express it more as the draw of the hone begins to develop. From my perspective the way I express it is, it starts out feeling rough or coarse, the progresses to slick or smooth and then begins to develop draw and become pressure sensitive. I think we are all experiencing the same or similar things, however, how we interpret it and express it varies quite a bit. It changes with the size and grind of the razor and likely the tape no tape effects it too. I do not change up my tape perspective though so that one I'm not sure of but surmise.
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  12. #9
    Senior Member Butzy's Avatar
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    Yeah, I guess I should have been a bit more specific. I experience this sensation only when not taping the spine, and have never felt it with a near or full wedge. always hollow or extra hollow. though I don't know if that's a rule, just my limited experience. As I said earlier, finer grit hones seem to be more prone to this in my experience as well
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  13. #10
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Ive been looking for this stickiness but have never found it yet. But, i always hone with tape. I guess this could be the reason i havent experianced it yet.
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