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Thread: Thoughts on HHT...

  1. #31
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    I understand we’re enthusiasts, but my dad and grandad were always pristinely groomed and good enough wasn’t good enough.

    I wasn’t being argumentative, just suggesting tests are tests and shaving is shaving. Interesting conversations on SRP....that’s why I’ve been here for a while. Just trying to make people reflect on what the end goal is....shaving.
    Just call me Harold
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  2. #32
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    I agree sir, interesting discussions for sure.
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  4. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve56 View Post
    HHT 5 like that isn’t that difficult depending on the hair of course, but everything has to be right. The bevel has to be perfectly set and developed to finish, your technique, the finisher, and the razor all need to be good. If any one of these get off a little, it’s difficult if not impossible. For example, if you have everything perfect but the razor is not so great, you might get HHT 5 with a better-than-good stone. That’s why a Gold Dollar is in my stone testing routine. If I can get Alfredo’s HHT 5 on a Gold Dollar, that usually means that the stone is going to be very good. If more than one of those traits is off, you probably won’t get HHT 5 like that.

    Thanks for the feedback.
    I do have several locks of different hairs. The hair used here is from the thinnest and most difficult one to get a good HHT with.

    I think you are right, the razor must be more than just good, I did get this result with my ERN (good shaver but I has a softer steel compared to Fili double temple) but it’s edge seemed to has fallen apart during the first shave. It has startet absolutely smooth and close but already during the second pass (I do shave only with two passes) it has started feeling harsh. Next shave i have stopped in between.

    Fili with this edge shaved just phenomenal, absolutely smooth and effortless.

    Interesting thing is HHT does always tel me if the edge is keen but almost never tells me if the shave is going to be butter-smooth.
    My Tennis 5/8 can give the same HHT results as my Fili and also can hold this edge for long time but it’s always giving a shave on a crisp side...

    Maybe I need to pay more attention to „how exactly the edge cuts the hair“...

    P.S. I am quite certain would my grandpa see what I am doing with my razor and my hones, with finishing under running water, putting dish soap, clycerine or balistoil on the stone and so on he would cal me crazy. But hey, to me it’s not just shaving, it‘s hobby! So going crazy with it is fine I guess 😁

  5. #34
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by markbignosekelly View Post
    I have a hard time with the HHT. Unless you calibrate it its useless.
    My hair wont pass a HTT for love nor money, I even had a razor honed by Neil Miller and it wouldnt pass!
    My wifes hair will pass a HHT101 or whatever number you want very easily.
    I did an experiment with a razor that shaved nicely and tried a number of different hairs (My wifes a hairdresser) and concluded that everyones hair is different, even certain types of shampoo can make a difference, some contain silicone thst will coat the hair making it harder to cut.
    This is where I have a problem, also. I normally use the hair from my wife's hairbrush. If she uses hair conditioner, the hair will slide over the edge if though the edge was dulled on the edge of a glass. So my own hair is my second choice, a real PITA, since mine is only an inch long.

  6. #35
    Senior Member slim6596's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    This is where I have a problem, also. I normally use the hair from my wife's hairbrush. If she uses hair conditioner, the hair will slide over the edge if though the edge was dulled on the edge of a glass. So my own hair is my second choice, a real PITA, since mine is only an inch long.
    I used the arm hair test...

    Until I ran out of arm hair

  7. #36
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    I‘ve asked our house barber to give me a bundle of hairs of my Daughters and wife's once she has cut their hairs.
    So I have now different bundles of washed hairs which I can use for HHT for the rest of my life

    The most thinnest hairs used in my video are from my youngest princess, they the most hard to achieve acceptable HHT results.


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  8. #37
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    This is where I have a problem, also. I normally use the hair from my wife's hairbrush. If she uses hair conditioner, the hair will slide over the edge if though the edge was dulled on the edge of a glass. So my own hair is my second choice, a real PITA, since mine is only an inch long.
    Mike, hair used for HHT needs to be clean and unconditioned for the reasons you mention. Hair extensions are a good way to go.

    I have some samples if you’d like some.
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  9. #38
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    This is where I have a problem, also. I normally use the hair from my wife's hairbrush. If she uses hair conditioner, the hair will slide over the edge if though the edge was dulled on the edge of a glass. So my own hair is my second choice, a real PITA, since mine is only an inch long.
    It's the non soluble silicones that some companies use to make the hair feel thicker with more volume, blah, blah etc.
    If you look at the rubbish they put In some shampoos and conditioners it's no wonder it affects the HTT.
    Steve56, jfk742 and outback like this.

  10. #39
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve56 View Post
    Mike, hair used for HHT needs to be clean and unconditioned for the reasons you mention. Hair extensions are a good way to go.

    I have some samples if you’d like some.
    Thaks for the offer, bro. But I've been at it long enough to know what's right n wrong in my test's.

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