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  1. #11
    Razorsmith JoshEarl's Avatar
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    I put the Dubl Duck back on the DMT for a few minutes this morning, sans tape, then took it back to the Belgians. It's much better. I'm glad I taped it initially, as this specimen had virtually no hone wear and I wanted to keep it as pristine as possible. I think I saved quite a bit of metal this way. The blade was virtually unmarked except for some pitting on the edge, and there were some deep microchips that had to be worked out.

    I'm curious about how much hone wear I'd put on the beat-up eBay specials I usually hone if I didn't use tape. I think the next few will get honed without tape just to see.

    Tape definitely changes the way a razor feels on the hone. I think I'll need some practice without it before I can duplicate my taped edges...

    Ivo, you're definitely right about moisture being a potential problem. I haven't had issues with it getting under the edge, but sometimes a drop of water will get stuck in the loop of tape at the razor's toe. More than once I've forgotten to dry that spot and come back to find some rust forming...

    BTW, this is my 1500th post. I guess that's the threshold for being an "expert." Cool.


  2. #12
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoshEarl View Post
    I put the Dubl Duck back on the DMT for a few minutes this morning, sans tape, then took it back to the Belgians. It's much better. I'm glad I taped it initially, as this specimen had virtually no hone wear and I wanted to keep it as pristine as possible. I think I saved quite a bit of metal this way. The blade was virtually unmarked except for some pitting on the edge, and there were some deep microchips that had to be worked out.

    I'm curious about how much hone wear I'd put on the beat-up eBay specials I usually hone if I didn't use tape. I think the next few will get honed without tape just to see.

    Tape definitely changes the way a razor feels on the hone. I think I'll need some practice without it before I can duplicate my taped edges...

    Ivo, you're definitely right about moisture being a potential problem. I haven't had issues with it getting under the edge, but sometimes a drop of water will get stuck in the loop of tape at the razor's toe. More than once I've forgotten to dry that spot and come back to find some rust forming...

    BTW, this is my 1500th post. I guess that's the threshold for being an "expert." Cool.

    The only threshold for being an expert is actually being one. Please continue to take on all the beat up Ebay specials you can..........



  3. #13
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    I use tape after clean-up and MAAS and so forth to keep down the hone wear, but only on the 800-1K grit paper or 4K grit Norton if I'm really going to have to bear down to get a good bevel set. After that, I remove the tape on the gentler passes on the 4K side and the 8K side, and never use it on the pasted strop or just the leather.

  4. #14
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoshEarl View Post
    Ivo, you're definitely right about moisture being a potential problem. I haven't had issues with it getting under the edge, but sometimes a drop of water will get stuck in the loop of tape at the razor's toe. More than once I've forgotten to dry that spot and come back to find some rust forming...

    This is one of the reasons I don't tape anymore. It is not necessary, and it may leave the razor looking worse than if you hadn't taped in the first place.

    The only time I still tape -sometimes- is if I have to take out a big nick.
    For normal honing I never tape.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
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  5. #15
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    I use tape on all razors and all hones and pasted strop. I like consistency of angle and despise hone wear.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  6. #16
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adjustme69 View Post
    All this confusion about setting bevels and so forth is something I normally don't get as technical as you experts about. I just hone up the razor.
    Have fun.
    I think my sarcasmometer just exploded...
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
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  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    I think my sarcasmometer just exploded...
    um, Bruno - I thought he was serious


  8. #18
    Senior Member, Moderator floridaboy's Avatar
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    I think he just might be?

  9. #19
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by izlat View Post
    um, Bruno - I thought he was serious

    No offense was intended, I just thought it was funny.

    A man who has honed well over 8000 razors in his life, at a rate of 30-50 per week, calling us experts ...

    That's like a McLaren calling a beetle a racewagon.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Hey Bruno - maybe you didn't realize I was kidding because your meter was already broken


    ps - I have seen Beetles with racing engines!

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