Quick update.

Touched up three razors with the system last night. Took less than twenty minutes from beginning to end. Its really nice to just grab the hones spill a little water on them and go to work. This is partly the fault of having separate hones rather than a combination hone and partly the no soaking and no slurry action of this system.

The razors were:

A 5/8 Griffon that was shaving well but felt a little tugging during the shave, last sharpened.... I have no idea sometime last year and touched up on a barbers hone since.

A 6/8 Griffon also shaving well but tugging slightly, last sharpened in early December, I've been shaving with this one right off the 8000 since then and now its ready for a refresh.

A 5/8 "Michigan Farmer" made in Germany. This has been a bugaboo razor for me, it gets nice and sharp but dulls faster than any other razor I have and is the most likely to become over honed fast. Not being able to keep this razor shaving well is a driving force behind me trying different methods of sharpening. When this was expertly honed it was a great shaver, so I know its potential, but I just can't meet the standard with this shaver.

For the first razor I did a short progression of:
Then checked and called it good, I felt significant improvement in the TPT, enough to move on to a shave test.

The second got a progression of:
Then check, better but...
10 strokes on the 1 micron
TPT say its as good as the other.

The last razor got a longer treatment as it was barely shaving when I brought it down to the shop.
check and find it better but not there yet.
5 strokes on the 1 micron.
Its good enough for a shave test.

I then blotted the excess water off the hones and put them up, the feet on the bottom allow air circulation so they will dry without being left sitting out. Again it was nice to be in and out of the shop after taking only about five minutes with each razor. I know there are other honing systems that give you this kind of convenience, but this is a first for me, and I really enjoy it. The only thing I hate about honing is the set-up and clean-up time it takes to use traditional water stones or in the case of my Arkansas, oil stones.